just pasta savoury delights

spaghetti all’ ammiraglio … in the south

We are still in the South – now in Northern Spain near Barcelona. It’s summer & it’s hot. So all we need for dinner is a pasta dish … Did I ever mention that we are true pasta lovers? All’ ammiraglio … Let this melt on your tongue! We are dealing w/ a very simple & very easy spaghetti dish – quick & dirty! … it looks so innocent! Be careful: it’s really hot &…

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just pasta savoury delights

approaching one pot pasta – in the south

In the south – we are now in Northern Spain … & when roaming on my blog I found this recipe which I adapted somewhat for a dinner. (I worked w/ tortellini, Spanish bacon, white onions … & it was fine!) However, let’s start w/ a streamlined version of the original recipe! My very 1st encounter w/ one-pot-pasta: my better half & I got a food & wine basket as a present from friends containing…

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salads savoury delights

avocado goes for dressing … in the south

Potato salad is down-to-earth … so down-to-earth … Time to get it dressed to kill by adding an avocado dressing! Potatoes are year-round vegetables & avocados are on their way. What do you think of replacing mayonnaise and/or double cream and/or sour cream by a real heap of mashed avocado? This was my vision when creating this very special potato salad some years ago. We are still in the South aka Mediterranean area … having…

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savoury delights

roasted & creamed aubergine … in southern france

My standard information nowadays … We are still in Southern France resp. Northern Spain … It is hot, really hot … & for dinner it’s most of the days a cold affair: fresh bread, ham, cheese … & some dip (or more than a single dip!). So I remembered my aubergine dip … In the past: Aubergines (aka eggplant) & I – we did never become close friends. I’m fond of beautiful aubergines, but coming…

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salads savoury delights

green beans w/ tuna cream in southern france

As I start usually these days … we are still in Southern France. However, we moved from Carcassonne to Sérignan meaning from Languedoc into Hérault approaching also the Mediterranean coast. For statistics: Carcassone is a town of about 47.000 inhabitants while Sérignan has got about 8.000 people i. e. a village. So now we are living in a small townhouse near the centre of the village – and enjoy the daily noisette resp. glass of…

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just pasta savoury delights

one pot pasta tomato in southern france

We are still in Southern France in a tiny & minimalistic kitchen … It’s pasta time: we often enjoy pasta dishes because they are so easy to create. I especially like the one pot pasta approach. It’s quite a long time ago that I posted about one pot pasta tomato, but it’s one of my favourites, although I adjusted the dish a touch. Back then I thought about my approach as the mother of all…

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savoury delights

shakshuka – for breakfast & dinner

We are in Southern France, living for 4 months in a small house in Carcassonne. As I told you already: the kitchen is small & the kitchen equipment is limited. So cooking is somewhat of a challenge … However, what fits is Shakshuka. … & you may prepare it for breakfast as well as for dinner! (We almost never have lunch here, but of course it’s also a delicious simple lunch!) Some years ago I…

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savoury delights

from avocado to guacamole

Avocados are very popular w/ us. I think we are no exception. Especially since we are in Southern France we like to create some avocado mess & indulge w/ fresh baguette for our dinner. Afterwards we may have some cheese … for the finish. As I already told you there is only a tiny kitchen in our home so preparing excessive meals for lunch or dinner, requiring cooking & frying & preparing a sauce &…

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just pasta savoury delights

once again – tomato sauce

What happened some time ago? My food blog came into life in 2015 – long ago. About 2 years ago or so I realized that there were (too!) many posts w/ lots of photos requiring more & more storage making e. g. updates of the data base somewhat tricky. So I decided to do an internal review resulting in deleting quite a lot of posts & trimming down my blog. (To be honest: when starting…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta salmon spinach

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Another week came to an end, another weekend approached. Corona times suck. 1st of all: if something sucks you’ll definitely need pasta. Corona times also mean that food shopping is reduced to a big shopping spree in my trusted food store once a week – or nearly always once a week. Reason behind is to minimize contacts. This means also to do the shopping early in the morning or…

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savoury delights

roulade w/ mediterranean touch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s summer time. All people think about BBQ dreaming of perfect sausages & steaks – or whatever. Also substantial or less substantials salads are in vogue. Nobody thinks about a roast … in a kitchen … needing long hours … However, I bought a beef package (100% organic) processed from happy cows somewhere in Bavaria weeks ago. All portions went straight in our freezer. Amongst others there were…

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savoury delights

more sandwich: pan-fried tuna mozzarella melt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m somehow obsessed w/ sandwiches. Nothing changed so far. Maybe it’s a by-product of Corona Times. Working in home office, no canteen, no lunch meetings in cafés or so … all is homebound, all meals are at home. So what to cook each day? A sandwich seems a fine idea. If you use a substantial bread, thick & big slices, adding substantial ingredients … & it’s an easy…

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savoury delights

what to do w/ dull vegetables?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What happened? I opened my fridge & learnt that there were some leftovers … vegetables to be correct. Carrots & spring onions. Also in my pantry there were some potatoes … & in my freezer I had some frozen peas. In each case it wasn’t so much … not enough for whatever … So I decided to make a real big batch of mixed vegetables! Next morning when…

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salads savoury delights

leftover mess w/ greens…

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   How to start? In one of my new cookbooks I found a short recipe. It’s Giulia Scarpaleggia’s cookbook from her food blog Jul’s Kitchen about the markets of Tuscany. The recipe describes a nice snack for happy hour or as a side dish for dinner… The main ingredients are bread, wine & cheese.     So I remembered this approach when thinking about a light dinner. I had…

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savoury delights

quite simply: eggs & vegetables…

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   For a breakfast w/ friends I decided to do a frittata. At first I thought about scrambled eggs or baked eggs… however, these have to be prepared fresh from the scratch. If you try to enjoy a breakfast w/ friends (or a brunch) as a host it’s always better to prepare everything in advance. A frittata can be prepared 1 day before – no problem at all. You…

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