just pasta savoury delights

spaghetti quiche or what …

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Every now & then I stumble across a recipe about a spaghetti tart or bake or … What I mean is a dish – served warm as well as cold – where cooked spaghetti are mixed with meat or vegetables or cheese or whatever & become covered by a mix of cream & eggs ready for a session in the oven. The result is some sort of quiche/tart/frittata … which may be cut into slices like a cake.

I thought time has come to give it a try.

Obviously at the end we’ll have a rather big result feeding more than only my better half & me. So I hoped that it might be possible to store it in the fridge or even in the freezer. (Yes: it’s fine in the fridge – alas it never made it into the freezer …)

Furthermore I had to decide which way to go …
We are generally always on our way w/ quiche, tart, frittata … In a certain way it’s always the same procedure:

  • you get the bottom filled w/ some solid stuff
  • you get some filling stuff
  • you get some mixture which thickens when baking & holds it all together in the end.

For this planned spaghetti affair I thought of something like a sort of quiche.

What do we need?

… in the style of quiche:

  • spaghetti for the bottom
  • spring onions, bacon & cheese for the filling
  • eggs & crème fraîche for the mixture
  • … & some fresh thyme for the flavour.

Let’s start w/ grating the cheese; it’s real Gruyère. Then the bacon (South-Tyrolean bacon it is) & the spring onions will be finely chopped.

… & don’t forget to preheat the oven to 160°C w/ fan.

In the meantime the spaghetti should be cooking – stop as soon as they are very al dente. Then drain them & rinse w/ cold water. Get a casserole ready & arrange the spaghetti on the bottom – as evenly as possible.

Fry the spring onions & the bacon in some olive oil. Distribute evenly over the spaghetti.

Whip the eggs & mix w/ the crème fraîche. Add salt & pepper to taste & mix in the finely chopped fresh thyme leaves.

… well: we are still in Northern Spain – so I worked with Spanish ingredients like Jamón Serrano & young Manchego as well as white onions & dried herbs (herbs of Provence).

Sprinkle the gruyère all over the spaghetti. Then pour the egg mix on top. It’s quite useful to press the mess down – a little to make sure that the egg mix distributes all over the casserole.

I worked w/ a rather small amount of egg mix i. e. the egg mix didn’t cover all the spaghetti. It is possible – w/o question – to prepare some more egg mix so that the spaghetti are fully covered.
In my case the spaghetti on top became rather crunchy – which we liked. If using more egg mix the spaghetti will stay in the mix … no crunchy spaghetti on top.

Put the casserole in the preheated oven for about 40 min until the spaghetti get crunchy & the egg mix is stiff.

It’s a rich spaghetti quiche which will make up to 12 slices (or even more!).

The spaghetti – inside – are soft & smooth. The main flavour comes from the cheese & the bacon as well as the thyme. Seen overall it’s a very delicate flavour.

When leaving the oven & after some cooling the spaghetti will be really crunchy.

Some hours later – when cooled down & covered for storing – the crispiness will vanish: especially after a day in the fridge the top layer will get as soft as the rest.

You may serve the spaghetti quiche hot (out of the oven) w/ some mixed green salad, warm (i. e. reheated in the microwave) for dinner or so… or just cold. It’s fine when it’s cold: it’s not greasy!


spaghetti quiche or what …
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
Servings: 12 slices
  • 200 g spaghetti
  • 4-5 spring onions
  • 50 g South-Tyrolean bacon
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 200 g crème fraîche
  • 6 eggs
  • 50 g Gruyère
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves (heaped)
  • some olive oil for the casserole
  • salt & pepper
  • an egg whisk
  • a cheese grater
  • a casserole about 26 cm Ø
how to:
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.
  • Cook the spaghetti for about 4-5 min (very al dente!), drain them & arrange the spaghetti in the oiled casserole.
  • Chop the bacon as well as the spring onions (rather finely!).
  • Proceed alike for the fresh thyme leaves & set aside.
  • Fry the bacon & the spring onions in olive oil for 4-5 min.
  • Distribute over the spaghetti layer.
  • Grate the Gruyère (roughly) & distribute over the bacon layer.
  • Grab an egg whisk & mix the crème fraîche w/ the eggs.
  • Add salt & pepper to taste.
  • Add the finely chopped fresh thyme leaves.
  • Pour the mix over everything & press slightly – try to cover the spaghetti layer w/ the egg mix.
  • Put it in the oven for about 40 min; the mix should become stiff.
Spaghetti: you may reduce the amount of spaghetti to 150 g.
Spring onions: you may substitute white or yellow or even red onions for the spring onions. A medium onion will be ok.
South-Tyrolean bacon: you may also use pancetta or any other bacon w/ strong flavour.
Thyme: you may substitute fresh oregano or fresh basil for fresh thyme. You may even rely on dried herbs if fresh herbs aren’t available.
The spaghetti are slightly covered by the egg mix. If you like more … just add another 50-100 g crème fraîche.
At first the top of the quiche seems to be rather crunchy, but it gets softer when resting properly covered.
You can put it in the fridge for at least 3 days.
Sorry: no experience w/ freezing.