savoury delights

royal potatoes

Royal potatoes aka gratin dauphinois aka potatoes dauphinois aka potatoes au gratin aka a creamy potato bake … Lots of names for one of the most delicious side dishes ever known! Le Dauphin used to be the title of the heir to the French throne for centuries … while dauphinois is related to the French region Dauphiné where this side dish originates. Dauphin is French for dolphin – a dolphin is part of the coat…

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just pasta savoury delights

quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta

What is this all about? At the moment we are in Northern Spain near Barcelona … so the classic Spanish tortilla is part of the menus. I always liked tortilla since I made the 1st acquaintance of it in a holiday trip on Formentera – decades ago! So I unearthed my post on tortilla … which introduces also a tortilla w/ pasta! Let’s resume … I made a tortilla – straightforward (see photo on top).…

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salads savoury delights

a big potato salad w/ mediterranean touch

Is there any surprise in a potato salad? Yes: you may add Mediterranean herbs for a delicious summer & holiday flavour … Some years ago I made this potato salad rather spontaneously because suddenly all the rainy weather in Germany cleared up & sun came back w/ fine temperatures fit for some last BBQ events in the garden. … & a real bit potato salad is always one of the best companions around (together w/…

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salads savoury delights

avocado goes for dressing … in the south

Potato salad is down-to-earth … so down-to-earth … Time to get it dressed to kill by adding an avocado dressing! Potatoes are year-round vegetables & avocados are on their way. What do you think of replacing mayonnaise and/or double cream and/or sour cream by a real heap of mashed avocado? This was my vision when creating this very special potato salad some years ago. We are still in the South aka Mediterranean area … having…

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le lac and le boudin

Le Lac (the lake) and Le Boudin (black pudding): where is the connection?There isn’t any. On a rather cold day in February we went to Lac de Montagnès in Southern France in La Montagne Noir, the most southern part of the Massif Central. The sky was blue, the sun was brilliant, only the temperature was rather low. We were at about 600-800 m & some snow had survived here and there – not only on…

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savoury delights

leftover potato salad

As I already announced – we’re planning to move. The present state of preparation involves a lot of discussing, clearing up, clearing out … So we are busy. Busy often means that cooking & baking get a raw deal. Some days ago I realized that it was about lunch time w/o having prepared anything … What about sandwiches? However, when peering into my fridge some leftover cooked potatoes caught my eye. So I thought: what…

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savoury delights

it’s asparagus & more w/ hollandaise sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Voilà – our dinner! We had magnificent green asparagus w/ fresh potatoes & Italian ham … topped w/ some dollops of home-made hollandaise sauce. Of course it isn’t difficult nor stressful to prepare asparagus & potatoes as well as to arrange some boiled ham on a plate. The crucial challenge is the hollandaise sauce. For the record:There is always the option to buy a ready-to-use hollandaise sauce. I admit…

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savoury delights

what to do w/ dull vegetables?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What happened? I opened my fridge & learnt that there were some leftovers … vegetables to be correct. Carrots & spring onions. Also in my pantry there were some potatoes … & in my freezer I had some frozen peas. In each case it wasn’t so much … not enough for whatever … So I decided to make a real big batch of mixed vegetables! Next morning when…

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savoury delights with rice

anytime – made from potatoes, rice & pecorino in a crust

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I got another idea when roaming Giulia Scarpaleggia’s cookbook about Tuscany based on her food blog Jul’s Kitchen. It’s this absolutely delicious & substantial tart you may serve together w/ green salad or any mixed salad as well as cheese platters or a cold meats selection or any roasted meat… When planning a buffet think of such a tart – it’s more interesting than only plain bread… well:…

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savoury delights

presto, presto – do your very best sauces!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Last weekend I made sauces. My better half & I indulged in homemade sauces: top left: yoghurt based mayonnaise top right: sauce hollandaise bottom left: remoulade bottom right: mayonnaise. It sounds a little too much (at 1st sight!), but I had planned our weekend meals ahead & thought it would be nice to have home-made sauces for brunch & dinner. So I started to prepare the sauces –…

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savoury delights

vegetables… in coconut milk…

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.     I went shopping & I came back w/ vegetables. Before starting for my weekly shopping adventure at my trusted food store I remembered a recipe for a vegetable curry on Chocolate & Zucchini – and decided to give it a try. At 1st there were vegetables… Generally I’m no friend of leftovers concerning bare ingredients – I always try to use everything I buy especially when buying for…

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