
looking back … villages & churches in majorca 2021

A village on Mallorca … My better half & I did sightseeing in Mallorca for quite a while now and we came across some villages. When talking about a village I think of small cities with about 3000 … 5000 inhabitants somewhere on the island. Of course there is a center meaning that there is a Plaça Major with a church and some cafés, some bars, restaurants … When looking for some information I found…

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looking back … santa maria del camí 2021

My better half & I, staying in Mallorca for about a month in 2021, happened to be in Santa Maria del Camí on Sunday. Sunday is market-day. So we strolled along the market, a big market stretching from the Església Parroquial to Església y Convento de la Soledad – almost, the last part means walking along a small alleyway, one of these typical small, deserted streets in Mallorca’s villages. (As soon as 2 cars happen…

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looking back … zandvoort 2021

We are back from a fortnight trip to Zandvoort in the Netherlands. We stayed in an apartment in front of the beach, walked along the beach, enjoyed the sun & the sand & all the beach bars. (Yes – there are lots of beach bars allowing an extensive beach bar hopping all day long …) The sky was blue, the sun was blazing, the sand was fine & warm – almost as if walking along…

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looking back … the art of lounging in rhodes 2021

All of you may have noticed by now that in 2021 my better half & I went to Rhodes … unfortunately only for a week! What did we plan to do? We planned to relax, to enjoy delicious food, to swim, to do some sightseeing … It is always difficult, especially when only on holidays for a week, to do all the things you plan – and normally you even dream about more. Furthermore all…

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looking back … old town rhodes 2021

My better half & I went to Rhodes for a week – only a week. We stayed at a gorgeous resort on the east coast relaxing, swimming (in the pools – only gravel beaches), enjoying wine & cocktails & excellent Greek food. Of course we made a trip to Rhodes, the city … roaming Old Town Rhodes. Old Town Rhodes, a car-free area (concerning non-residents), surrounded by strong walls … Our navigation system tried to…

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alkmaar & cheese & 22 bridges

Last month when in Egmond aan Zee last we made a trip to Alkmaar, about 10 km from the coast. We took an express bus to city center of Alkmaar i. e. next to the Old Town with its many narrow alleyways and also narrow channels. (However, there are channels of any size all over Alkmaar – and Old Town has got its modern touches here and there!) Let’s start with the cheese market ……

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… aan zee … on the beach …

The sea … In May we decided – on the spur of the moment – to have some beach days. Where to go? Nearest seaside to our home is the North Sea coast with its vast sandy beaches. So we surfed the Internet for some nice flat in one of the small villages near the coast. We found a holiday home in Egmond aan Zee in North Holland (NL). Approaching North Sea beaches in spring…

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… travelling 2023 … arriving 2024 …

Last year, in 2023, we travelled … living in Southern France and Northern Spain. A recent summary is to be found here!) Since October we are back in Germany … now living at the foot of Michaelsberg with its monastery (dating back to 1064 & closed in 2011). We started flat hunting and found a new home. Then the real work started: renovating & painting, ordering to deliver our container with our furniture and everything…

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… travelling 2023 …

The South … The Mediterranean Sea … (Photo above: Sérignan Plage) Last year, end of December my better half and me started a long trip into the South i. e. Southern France and Northern Spain. We had shut down our house (a rented spot) and packed everything in a big container to chill in a storage facility (of course after having cleaned up the spot where we lived for more than 20 years – try…

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sur le pont …

This is the famous Le Pont d’Avignon – although the original name is Le Pont Saint-Bénézet. Also originally the bridge crossed 2 arms of Le Rhône and a small island in between – today only 4 of 22 arches are left. The bridge ends at the fortification wall – still complete – encircling Old Town Avignon at one of the gates heavily guarded in the past. The walled city is undisturbed disregard any new buildings resp.…

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looking back … ubud & serenity 2019

As you already know my better half & I stayed in Bali for about 3 weeks. We made our home aka base of operations in Ubud. The photo above shows the view from our terrace. … & below there is a view of Ubud’s street life: scooters, cars, more scooters, lost tourists on narrow foot-walks … Well … I estimate that there are at least 5 – 10 scooters per car. Ubud: what is all…

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looking back … bali & its temples 2019

In October 2019 we went for 3 weeks to Bali & enjoyed each day of our holiday. We stayed near Ubud in a gorgeous small resort & started day trips all over the island from our basecamp. We visited temples & even more temples & rice terraces & beaches & of course Ubud … It was a holiday for relaxing & chilling out nevertheless fully packed exploring Bali’s culture. Most impressive? I think Bali’s temples…

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la sagrada família – under construction …

When living in Castelldefels we liked to got to Barcelona – as you already know. It’s only about 30 min by suburban train into the heart of Barcelona … and some minutes more on a metropolitan train to La Sagrada Família, this monumental modern basilica. It’s impressive – simply impressive! I’ve seen lost of cathedrals & basilicas – maybe I’m somewhat obsessed with these constructions. Most of them going back to the Middle Ages, always…

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from the augustan temple to the cathedral

Voilà – the cathedral of Tarragona, a monumental building! When taking this photo I was on top of the ancient wall erected by the Romans near the Circus Maximus of Tarragona. When walking in Old Town Tarragona and beyond you’ll find quite a lot of relics of the Roman age sprinkled all over the city. Our visit to Tarragona started with walking into Old Town to the cathedral. It was one of these very hot…

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