savoury delights

leftover potato salad

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As I already announced – we’re planning to move. The present state of preparation involves a lot of discussing, clearing up, clearing out … So we are busy. Busy often means that cooking & baking get a raw deal.

Some days ago I realized that it was about lunch time w/o having prepared anything … What about sandwiches? However, when peering into my fridge some leftover cooked potatoes caught my eye.

So I thought: what about a quick leftover potato salad?
No sooner said than done.

I had about 400 g of potatoes, maybe almost 500 g. Somewhat too much for 2 people, I thought, but actually you’ll never have too much potato salad in your fridge – especially of the home-made style. Be sure it’ll vanish soon after the lunch or dinner you planned it for.

I needed hard-boiled eggs – so I at once cooked 2 eggs for 10 min. (I’ve almost always got a box w/ eggs in my fridge …)

In the meantime I peeled the potatoes & chopped them into small pieces. (It’s also possible to forget about peeling …)

What else did I found in my fridge resp. pantry?

I chopped a spring onion. About half of a glass of cornichons (a handful …) are cut into small pieces. Some anchovies are minced & a tablespoon capers follow into the bowl w/ the potatoes. (Yes – all these delicacies are usually in my fridge.)

All is finally mixed. Add some white balsamic vinegar for the savory edge & let it rest until the eggs are ready.

The eggs are sliced crosswise w/ an egg slicer & added to the potato mess.

The dressing is a simple approach:

  • Greek yoghurt
  • lemon oil
  • olive oil
  • sweet French mustard
  • dried herbs of Provence
  • salt & pepper.

Lemon oil? It’s a ready-to-buy oil based on a neutral oil w/ lots of lemon flavors.

Just mix all ingredients w/ an egg whip & add to the potato mess.

(Of course you may also rely on store-bought mayonnaise or any other ready-to-use salad cream …)


leftover potato salad
Prep Time30 minutes
Servings: 4
  • 400-500 g cooked potatoes
  • 1 spring onion
  • ½ glass of cornichons
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 2-3 anchovies (in oil)
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs
  • 2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
for the dressing:
  • 150 g Greek yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp lemon oil
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp sweet French mustard
  • 1 tsp herbs of Provence (dried)
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
how to:
  • Cook the eggs for about 10 min (if not already cooked …). Peel them & cut them crosswise w/ an egg slicer.
  • Peel the cooked potatoes if necessary. Cut them into small pieces.
  • Mince the spring onion.
  • Chop the cornichons.
  • Add the vinegar & mix thoroughly.
  • Add the capers.
  • Mince the anchovies & add to the potato mess.
  • Finally add the eggs.
  • Mix all the ingredients for the dressing w/ an egg whip.
  • Add to the potato mess & fold in.
You may serve the potato salad at once or leave it in the fridge for some hours.