just pasta savoury delights

quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta

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What is this all about?

At the moment we are in Northern Spain near Barcelona … so the classic Spanish tortilla is part of the menus. I always liked tortilla since I made the 1st acquaintance of it in a holiday trip on Formentera – decades ago!

So I unearthed my post on tortilla … which introduces also a tortilla w/ pasta!

Let’s resume …

I made a tortilla – straightforward (see photo on top). Then I decided to substitute pasta for potatoes. And I ended up w/ a 2nd tortilla (see photo below). Meaning: if you like a side dish like a tortilla you may work the same process, but either have potatoes or pasta as a filler.

… & I didn’t perform any show by throwing the tortilla in the air etc. – all is quick & dirty, but the result is brilliant!

So let’s start!

We assemble the main players …

It’s only:

  • a big yellow onion
  • eggs
  • potatoes resp. pasta (i. e. riccioli).

We chop the onion & fry it softly in some olive oil.

We clean & peel & cut the potatoes … resp. we weigh the pasta.

Potatoes & pasta are cooked until soft.

We crack the eggs & mix them.

The rest is …

  • Mix potatoes resp. pasta in a pan w/ the fried onion.
  • Pour the egg mess on top.
  • Close the lid of the pan.
  • Let it cook softly for about 15 min.

Then there is the potato tortilla …

… & the pasta tortilla …

There is no need to turn the tortilla in the pan while cooking. Just let the egg mess set … Then let the tortilla glide onto a plate. Cover w/ another plate & turn around.

I used a rather small pan of 22 cm ∅ (bottom). The tortilla are about 2 cm in thickness. Each will serve 4 pieces.

What about the „quick & dirty“ approach?
Of course you may start w/ potatoes boiled in their jacket, let them cool down, peel them etc. Or you may also start w/ frying potatoes in your pan w/o any pre-cooking … Both processes will take their time!
When aiming at a real big tortilla w/ a thickness of about 5 – 6 cm you’ll have to turn the tortilla in the pan once because of the thickness. That will also take longer than 15 min & challenge your skills to manage a hot pan & a hot & heavy tortilla only half-baked at this time …

Okay – when in the pan the surface isn’t brown & crispy at all, but only firm. When working w/ low heat the bottom will turn out as to be seen in the photos.

Doesn’t it look & feel like a perfect tortilla? Both of them.


quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Servings: 4 pieces for each
for potato tortilla:
  • 500 – 600 g potatoes (cleaned & peeled)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 6 – 7 eggs
  • salt
for pasta tortilla:
  • 150 g pasta (e. g. riccioli)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 7 – 8 eggs
  • salt
  • a pan (22 cm bottom) (mineral coated/non-stick)
how to:
for potato tortilla:
  • Peel & trim an onion; chop the onion & start frying in olive oil – softly. Add salt.
  • Peel & slice the potatoes & cook them in salty water for about 10 min.
  • Add cooked drained potatoes to the onion, mix carefully & distribute evenly.
  • Whip the eggs & pour the egg mess over the potatoes.
  • Reduce heat to low & close the pan w/ a lid. Let it cook for about 15 min until the eggs are set.
  • Let the tortilla slide onto a plate, which is large enough, cover w/ another plate & turn over.
for pasta tortilla:
  • Peel & trim an onion; chop the onion & start frying in olive oil – softly. Add salt.
  • Cook the pasta in salty water for about 8 – 10 min.
  • Add cooked drained pasta to the onion, mix carefully & distribute evenly.
  • Whip the eggs & pour the egg mess over the pasta.
  • Reduce heat to low & close the pan w/ a lid. Let it cook for about 15 min until the eggs are set.
  • Let the tortilla slide onto a plate, which is large enough, cover w/ another plate & turn over.
The tortilla is about 2 cm high – it’s a „small“ tortilla. If you like a thicker tortilla you may either use a pan much smaller or you can scale up the amounts of the ingredients.
You may serve the tortilla at once or let it cool to room temperature.
You may store the tortilla for at least 1 day on your kitchen desk (covered).
Sorry: no experience w/ freezing!