just pasta savoury delights

one-pot-pasta w/ salmon & peas

Honestly, sometimes it isn’t so easy to think about what we might have for lunch – something easy to prepare, a fast approach, something light … (not always sandwiches!). Pasta is always my favorite – next to rice (& also my better half’s favorites, thank goodness!) Especially One-Pot-Pasta is very convenient: you need only a frying pan (& bowls or plates!)  i. e. washing up is strongly reduced (except you plan taking photos!). All ingredients come…

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sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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sweet delights

little cakes – type bundt

Once I happened to get a present: a small Bundt cake pan (∅ 18 cm). So I started baking little cakes. Little cakes are fine for 2 – 4 people for coffee, for dessert … I’m not talking about a real big Bundt cake that may lead up to 16 big slices! After having managed to define the proper amounts of the usual suspects (like butter, flour, sugar, eggs …) in order to achieve a…

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savoury delights

about aubergine involtini turning into aubergine lasagna

Once I noticed some mouth-watering photos of aubergine involtini i. e. you cut an aubergine lengthwise into thin slices, roast them in the oven, fill some ricotta or whatever inside & roll them up. Then the involtini are placed in a casserole w/ some tomato sauce on the bottom & grated cheese on top & baked. I decided to give it a try. Pondering how to proceed I stumbled across some details. How to manage…

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sweet delights

it’s just bread & butter, milk & eggs

I came across this simple treat years ago when watching Jamie Oliver in one of his early TV shows: Panettone in a bread & butter pudding provides a flavorful basis loaded with raisins & candied lemons & candied oranges  – so you only need to add eggs & milk & … I started w/ a medium size panettone of about 500 g bought in my trusted food store. At first I thought about using the whole…

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savoury delights

royal potatoes

Royal potatoes aka gratin dauphinois aka potatoes dauphinois aka potatoes au gratin aka a creamy potato bake … Lots of names for one of the most delicious side dishes ever known! Le Dauphin used to be the title of the heir to the French throne for centuries … while dauphinois is related to the French region Dauphiné where this side dish originates. Dauphin is French for dolphin – a dolphin is part of the coat…

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savoury delights soups

lazy butternut stock

I had a fine butternut sitting on my kitchen desk for some days & decided to try an approach for a soup w/ lots of vegetables. I had some carrots, some frozen peas & some spring onions. What else? There was some bacon in my fridge & I thought it might be a fine add-on concerning the flavour. … & of course I had some of this dark green, intensive pumpkin seed oil for the…

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sweet delights

sweet … with raisins …

If working w/ yeast you need patience. In general I’m meticulous & patient, however, anything w/ yeast never had any priority in my kitchen. When in business & working for too many office hours, handling yeast – meaning to allow the yeast to work for some hours – isn’t so hip. (I think you get it: I’ve always been more the Jamie-Oliver-Nigella-Bill-Granger-Donna-Hay fan!) Nevertheless time & again … Recently I stumbled across a promising &…

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just pasta savoury delights

the day-after lasagna

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Usually I compose my lasagna adding layers of pasta, tomatoes, meat, vegetables, cheese … I put it in the oven & about 30 min later there is a delicious sizzling lasagna waiting to be cut into pieces to end up on a plate. This time I prepared a lasagna that is meant to rest for about some hours – or even better for a day – before served. I…

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sweet delights

the square cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I bought a new baking tin. Of course I already own some baking tins … you’ve met them whenever I’m baking (springforms & loaf tins, a Bundt cake pan, tart forms …), but nevertheless you always stumble across a new product. Since several months I’m intrigued by simple flat cakes – rectangular shaped – which can be cut into nice small pieces. A baking tray is too big &…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta salmon spinach

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Another week came to an end, another weekend approached. Corona times suck. 1st of all: if something sucks you’ll definitely need pasta. Corona times also mean that food shopping is reduced to a big shopping spree in my trusted food store once a week – or nearly always once a week. Reason behind is to minimize contacts. This means also to do the shopping early in the morning or…

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sweet delights

red semifreddo

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   The heat wave: it’s merciless, intensifying, suffocating … After almost 2 weeks of heat I wasn’t in the mood for cooking or baking. Most of the time we has some light, fresh salad w/ fresh baguette, cold cuts, cheeses … When coming across these delicious red currants I suddenly had an inspiration: what about some really simple and fresh ice cream, homemade of course, topped w/ red currants.…

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