sweet delights

red semifreddo

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The heat wave: it’s merciless, intensifying, suffocating … After almost 2 weeks of heat I wasn’t in the mood for cooking or baking. Most of the time we has some light, fresh salad w/ fresh baguette, cold cuts, cheeses …

When coming across these delicious red currants I suddenly had an inspiration: what about some really simple and fresh ice cream, homemade of course, topped w/ red currants. I thought of processed red currants, processed into a juicy red currant sauce.

Are we talking about ice cream or about what?

I didn’t plan to prepare a classic ice cream which would need hours in the freezer w/ an appropriate stirring routine. (Or a session in an ice cream maker which is irrelevant for me because I don’t own an ice cream maker.)

I learnt soon that my inspiration is called semifreddo. The semifreddo is soft & creamy & light. Main basis is whipped cream & it chills in the freezer only for a rather short time compared to classic ice cream. (And you don’t need an ice cream maker!)

I decided that a mix of yoghurt & whipped cream will also do. Done & dusted.



So I bought red currants … After having prepared the sauce I stated for myself that I’d made more sauce than I’d use for my ice cream fantasy, but you can add red currant sauce to any yoghurt for breakfast, to any fruit salad … Any case it’s delicious!

The basis of yoghurt & whipped cream w/ some sugar is the foundation for diversity. Instead of red currant sauce you create some black currant sauce or strawberry sauce or raspberry sauce or … You may also add some shredded chocolate & or melted chocolate or some aromatic spirits …

I started with trimming the red currants. Afterwards it’s cleaning time. The fresh wet red currants march in a pot w/ some water on the bottom. I added icing sugar & brought the mess to a boil. For some minutes all whirled & swirled … Then I took a bowl & a colander & pour the mess into the colander. W/ a solid spoon you may press the juice through the colander. Pits & skins are discarded. Done.

Put the red currant sauce in your fridge & make sure it gets cold, very cold.



For the semifreddo ice cream just whip the cream w/ some icing sugar; use your handheld electric mixer. Mix Greek yoghurt & whipped cream in a container fit for your freezer.



Don’t overdo the mixing.

Put the mess in the freezer for about 1 h. Stir once or twice during the freezer session. It’ll be soft & creamy frozen mess. (It shouldn’t get firm!!!)



W/ a spoon distribute the soft frozen mess to dessert bowls or glasses. Just pour some red currant sauce on top.
(Try to prevent the unaesthetic drops I made …)





red semifreddo
Prep Time1 hour 30 minutes
Servings: 4
for the red sauce:
  • 500 g red currants
  • 100 ml water
  • 5 tbsp icing sugar
for the icecream:
  • 200 g Greek yoghurt (10%)
  • 150 g cream
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar
  • handheld electric mixer
  • colander
how to:
  • Trim the red currants, clean them & put them in a pot. If you like reserve some red currants for decoration.
  • Add water & icing sugar & bring to a boil. Let it cook for some minutes until all is dissolved & rather runny.
  • Pour the mess into a colander (w/ a bowl underneath) & stir until you get a creamy red sauce. Only pits & skins shall remain in the colander - discard them.
  • Put the red sauce in the fridge.
  • Whip the cream w/ the icing sugar until stiff.
  • Add the yoghurt & mix w/ a spoon.
  • Put the mess in a freezer suitable container & let it freeze for about 30 min.
  • Mix again & let it freeze for another 30 min.
  • To serve: Distribute the ice into glasses or small bowls & add the cold red sauce.
You may prepare the red sauce as well as the ice mess beforehand & store it in the fridge. About 1 h before serving put the ice mess in the freezer & proceed as described.
The ice cream will be ok for 4 servings.
There will be more red sauce than you'll need (my experience!). You can use the leftover for yoghurt, for fruit salad ... whatever. 


(information on equipment)