just pasta savoury delights

one-pot-pasta w/ salmon & peas

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No changes since we came back from our trip to Poland: Corona rules the game … My better half is at home … so we have a little lunch each day. Honestly, sometimes it isn’t so easy to think about what we might have for lunch – something easy to prepare, a fast approach, something light … (not always sandwiches!). Pasta is always my favorite – next to rice (& also my better half’s favorites, thank goodness!)

Especially One-Pot-Pasta is very convenient: you need only a frying pan (& bowls or plates!)  i. e. washing up is strongly reduced (except you plan taking photos!). All ingredients come together & melt into each other – so there is a lot of flavor w/o extraordinary effort.



In my fridge a slice of salmon waited – I thought about it together w/ pasta & peas!


For the record:
If doing anything in the One-Pot-Pasta mode think of a type of pasta which is ready for eating after less than 10 min, think of any meat, fish, seafood etc. which doesn’t disintegrate too fast into mush … (the same is true for any vegetables!)


So – what do we need …



Apart from the salmon it’s only:

  • pasta aka short maccheroni
  • spring onions
  • frozen peas
  • fish stock (ready-to-use bought at my trusted food store)
  • cream
  • dried dill.


For the record:
You may also use fresh peas … unfortunately fresh peas are only available during June & July in my region. So most of the years I rely on frozen peas.


For the record (once more):
Of course you may also create your own fish stock by cooking fish (bones, head & tail), seafood, selected vegetables … for some hours – if have enough time to spend.



I trimmed & chopped the spring onions. Afterwards I started frying the spring onions for 4-5 min in olive oil.

Next step was adding the frozen peas … for another 3-4 min.

In the meantime:
Unfortunately my salmon had its skin on … So I grabbed a very sharp knife & removed the skin carefully. Afterwards I just diced the salmon & added the pieces to the spring onions & the peas.



About 3-4 min later I added the short maccheroni, the fish stock, the cream & the dried dill.

I brought it to a boil & let it cook resp. simmer for about 8-9 min.



The liquid is reduced now to a creamy sauce. The flavors of the fish stock as well as from the salmon are spread all over the pasta mess. The maccheroni soaked up the fish stock & are rich in its juice.

Just add some salt & pepper to taste.



Ready for serving …



Of course you’ve noticed that there wasn’t any cheese involved. Combining paste w/ fish w/ cheese aka parmesan, pecorino or whatever is somewhat crucial because not all people like the combination. Therefore better put some chunk of cheese together w/ a grater on the table – self-service.





one-pot-pasta w/ salmon & peas
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Servings: 2
  • 125 g short maccheroni (aka maccaronelli)
  • 4 spring onions
  • 200 g salmon (w/o skin)
  • 150 g peas (fresh or frozen)
  • 400 ml fish stock
  • 100 ml cream
  • ½ tsp dried dill
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
how to:
  • Trim & chop the spring onions & start frying in olive oil for about 4-5 min until starting getting soft.
  • Add the (frozen) peas & fry for another 3-4 min. (If using fresh peas think of planning additional time for removing the peapods.)
  • Remove the skin of the salmon (if necessary) w/ an extra sharp knife; dice the salmon & add to the spring onion-pea-mess. Add salt & pepper to taste. Fry for another 3-4 min.
  • Add maccheroni to the mess.
  • Add fish stock & cream & dried dill to the mess & bring it to a boil.
  • Fry/cook/simmer for about 8-9 min - until almost all the liquid is absorbed by the maccheroni. (According to my pasta package short maccheroni need about 8-9 min ... if using any other pasta check the recommendation on its package.)
  • Add pepper to taste.
  • Optional: Serve w/ grated pecorino or parmesan.
Servings: It's meant as a lunch for 2 persons, but it may be enough for 3 people.
Parmesan or Pecorino: It's optional - best you place some chunk of cheese & a cheese grater at disposal. (There are people who don't like the combination of fish & cheese.)


(information on equipment)