just pasta savoury delights

approaching one pot pasta – in the south

In the south – we are now in Northern Spain … & when roaming on my blog I found this recipe which I adapted somewhat for a dinner. (I worked w/ tortellini, Spanish bacon, white onions … & it was fine!) However, let’s start w/ a streamlined version of the original recipe! My very 1st encounter w/ one-pot-pasta: my better half & I got a food & wine basket as a present from friends containing…

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looking back … milan 2017

We had a brilliant short break in Milan during December 2017 – just before our New Year’s trip to Paris. Let’s share some impressions of Milan in winter! Let’s start with Il Duomo” & this really big Xmas tree! … & yeahhhh: there was this wonderful clear blue sky each day, this caring & warming sun (about 7/8° C at noon & in the afternoon!) … What an enchanting time (compared to our grey &…

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looking back … paris 2018

Contemplating the classic columns you might think … No – it’s not Athens – it’s the church La Madeleine in Paris! We made a spontaneous trip to Paris to greet the New Year 2018. New Year’s Day morning on Place de la Concorde: Well, now it’s mid of summer … but I just noticed some photos on Instagram of a rainy Paris! (Although it’s summer at more than 30° C in Southern France & Northern…

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salads savoury delights

avocado goes for dressing … in the south

Potato salad is down-to-earth … so down-to-earth … Time to get it dressed to kill by adding an avocado dressing! Potatoes are year-round vegetables & avocados are on their way. What do you think of replacing mayonnaise and/or double cream and/or sour cream by a real heap of mashed avocado? This was my vision when creating this very special potato salad some years ago. We are still in the South aka Mediterranean area … having…

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montpellier & pasta salad

When we started our trip to Southern France, end of 2022, we made a stop-over in Montpellier. If you like details: we arrived in the afternoon of 30th of December, stayed in Montpellier for New Year’s Eve and restarted to Carcassone on 1st of January. I remember that it was rather cold and rainy … except of New Year’s Day when suddenly the sun appeared on a blue sky. We then enjoyed a lazy coffee…

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savoury delights

roasted & creamed aubergine … in southern france

My standard information nowadays … We are still in Southern France resp. Northern Spain … It is hot, really hot … & for dinner it’s most of the days a cold affair: fresh bread, ham, cheese … & some dip (or more than a single dip!). So I remembered my aubergine dip … In the past: Aubergines (aka eggplant) & I – we did never become close friends. I’m fond of beautiful aubergines, but coming…

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looking back … hydra 2017

When living in Athens for about 5 weeks in 2017, during our last weekend we made a trip to Hydra, one of the Saronic Islands. It was only for the weekend, but it was an experience in relaxing & unwinding, chilling & … frankly: sweet idleness! Hydra is a harbor is a harbor w/ a fortification, a small natural harbor … w/ a sprawling promenade … lots of cafés, restaurants, bars … lots of small…

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looking back … athens & acropolis 2017

We – my better half & I – went to Athens (Greece) in 2017 for work & pleasure as well as exploration & enlightenment. Our adventures – we’re dealing now w/ exploration & (maybe) enlightenment – started w/ approaching the Acropolis of Athens, the centre of classic Greece. „Approach“ means coming near to the Acropolis, walking around the Acropolis … & taking a lot of photos from afar. Next step on our agenda was to…

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just pasta savoury delights

tomato sausages in southern france

We are still in Southern France – and sometimes I reinvent a recipe from my blog. This time … Do you imagine that in Southern France there are lots of types of frying sausages? Honestly, I was surprised at the variety. There are thin sausages, thick sausages, short & longer than a meter … also gentle seasoned as well as really hot – and all spicy variations in between. So we often bought some sausages…

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old town agde & cookbooks

We made a trip to Agde. Agde is a small town in Southern France near the Mediterranean Sea at the mouth of the river Hérault. The city was founded about 550 BC by travelling Greeks broadening their zone of influence. Later came the Romans … and then all the others dreaming of conquering the area and establishing a new empire. Finally in the 5th century Agde became a diocese and in 872 a cathedral was…

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looking back … algarve 2018

It was cold. It was March & it was cold. So my better half & I set off to Algarve in order to escape the bone freezing temperatures at home. We found a breathtaking, endless, wide-stretching beach, blue skies & happy white clouds … & temperatures of about 15-20° C. (Of course the sea was far to cold w/ 14° C or so for any swimming … we don’t originate from Arctic regions!) … and…

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sweet delights

i scream … ice cream … in southern france

It’s hot outside – the sky is blue – the sun burns like hell: it’s ice-cream weather! Some years ago I tried to prepare homemade ice-cream in a very simple way & it worked: a creamy & refreshing lemon chocolate ice-cream was my very 1st creation. (In fact I never was eager to produce homemade ice-cream. Maybe because an ice-cream machine didn’t sit on my kitchen desk – no way of churning ice-cream manually. Even…

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cold water in a valley

This is the well, the source of cold water – today at the very same place as about a millennium ago. We are in the labour courtyard of the Abbey of Fontfroide (fontfroide meaning cold well). Once this was the area for producing everything the abbey and its inhabitants needed for independent living – if food processing, livestock depot, butcher work, blacksmith services … In 1093 some monks decided to live in this spot, a…

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looking back … stockholm 2017

Summer & Stockholm – the best combination to dream of!Imagine a classic Europen city w/ beautiful buildings & houses from the last century – all neat & restored, a city on islands w/ water all around & hundreds of ships moored at the waterside … We went to Stockholm as tourists & did all things tourists like to do – under a blue sky & a warming sun. We did quite a lot of planning…

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