savoury delights

zucchini carpaccio

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The Italians invented aperitivo.

When staying in Milan as well as in Rome some years ago we were happy about aperitivo. It starts in late afternoon & let you have some wine or Spritz or cocktails together w/ a selection of savory bits & bites usually presented as a buffet. Until early evening you may indulge in drinks & food …

You get prosciutto, salame, green & black olives, marinated vegetables, small tramezzini, pizza bits, salads … A lot of the buffett food you’ll also find at your favorite Italian restaurant. However, we found a very fresh appetizer one day in a bar: carpaccio di zucchini.

My better half & I like to do aperitivo – on a small scale i. e. just the 2 of us – when at home during weekends … and we do it everywhere … We are staying now in Northern Spain, but also here e do our nice little aperitivo relying on local delicacies.

You start w/ a zucchini resp. courgette, some arugula & Parmesan …

Grab a big plate … (If you like you may rub a sliced clove of garlic over the plate!) … & pull the arugula to pieces.

Add some dressing out of olive oil, balsamic vinegar & sweet mustard …

Now it gets really tricky:

  • Cut the zucchini into slices as thin as possible (try about 1 mm!).
  • Add some lemon flavoured oil, but only a touch. (Don’t drown the zucchini in oil!)

Then make a layer of zucchini on top of the arugula & add freshly ground pepper.

Last step: shred the Parmesan!

… & scatter the Parmesan on top!


zucchini carpaccio
Prep Time30 minutes
Servings: 2
  • 1 zucchini (a small one)
  • 30-40 g arugula
  • 30-40 g shredded Parmesan
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp sweet mustard
  • 1-2 tbsp lemon flavoured oil
  • pepper
  • a clove of garlic (optional)
how to:
  • Optional: Rub the sliced clove of garlic all over the plate for the dish.
  • Pull the arugula to pieces.
  • Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar & sweet mustard.
  • Mix arugula & dressing in a separate bowl or just scatter the arugula on the plate & drizzle the dressing over the arugula.
  • Cut the zucchini in thin slices – as thin as possible.
  • Add lemon flavoured oil to the zucchini, mix w/o crashing the zucchini slices.
  • Layer the zucchini slices over the arugula.
  • Add a lot of freshly ground pepper.
  • Shred the Parmesan & scatter on top.
  • Serve w/ fresh baguette.
Store in your fridge until serving, however, not longer than 30 min or so.
Parmesan: You may substitute Parmesan for pecorino.