savoury delights

butternut mash – savory with cheese or sweet & spicy

My favorites for working with pumpkin are still hokkaido and butternut. Especially for a creamy result, like soft mashed potatoes, butternut is the best choice. Above there is a butternut mash with red onions, bacon & goat cheese. Below there is another butternut mash, the sweet & spicy version with Asian flavors & ham & shrimps. Any butternut mash you serve like mashed potatoes together with meat or fish … or other vegetables, however, you…

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sweet delights

another apple cake

This is just another apple cake, but it’s a very soft & fluffy & crumbly & juicy apple cake prepared in a loaf tin. The top is crispy when leaving the oven & will stay so for at least 24 h. Afterwards … it gets soft. No worries – the cake is still delicious. What do we need? There are the usual suspects like: In addition there is mascarpone … creamy silky mascarpone. (You may…

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salads savoury delights

an array of coleslaw

What to do w/ a giant cabbage?(I admit: normally I only buy small heads of cabbage fitting for my better half & me, but then… there were only rather big heads on offer, so I decided to prepare a small variety of coleslaw!)I ended up w/ 4 types of coleslaw! Based on the size of my cabbage I rounded up all the necessary ingredients for: However, let’s start w/ preparing the basic coleslaw…

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savoury delights

mashed fish sandwich

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. This sandwich is dedicated to process leftovers of fried fish fillet – whatever kind of fish: if cod, if redfish, if hake … I made this sandwich out of the moment when I happened to have some pieces of fried fish fillet in my fridge. My better half was delighted – & so I decided to do it once more for my blog w/ all the photos etc. This…

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savoury delights

aperitivo – vitello tonnato …

  Another treat for aperitivo: I’m sure you know vitello tonnato from your frequent pilgrimages to your trusted Italian restaurant. Of course you can do it at home … well: I admit I bought the veal at my trusted food store … (You may also start from the scratch w/ preparing the veal by yourself … I skipped this task by buying ready-to-eat veal slices at my trusted food store. Belief me: otherwise it becomes…

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sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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savoury delights

baked vegetables & an open sandwich

This is the destiny of an open sandwich. On one side there is the bread, on the other side there is a crisp lettuce leave – both encapsulating the inner delicacies of baked vegetables, baked eggs, melted pecorino, crisp arugula in a soft yoghurt cream! At the beginning … … there was this open sandwich where the bread & the yoghurt cream & the arugula is barely visible … Just fold 1 or 2 large…

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savoury delights

goat’s cheese & tomatoes

A nice galette, a savory galette is a fast meal & may be eaten hot, warm or cold. I prefer it “warm”. Let’s start w/ the remarks of my better half: too much pastry, more tomatoes would have been better … ok: fine w/ me – next time I’ll roll out the pastry somewhat thinner, add more goat’s cheese & tomatoes.(… of course the original you read about here & now was fine & nothing…

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savoury delights

vegetables & goat’s cheese sandwich

Here we go again. Another sandwich post. Today we create a classic sandwich w/ baked vegetables! Today there is no additional frying or so required – we rely on fresh bread & add-ons at room temperature. In my fridge some leftovers of baked vegetables chilled – so now they will end up in the sandwich. I worked with baked fennel, but you may also rely on any other baked delicacy like pepper or courgette or…

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savoury delights

rough remoulade

A rough remoulade?It’s a self-made, handmade, home-made remoulade: everything is mixed w/ a spoon or an egg whip, chopped w/ my own hands … so it’s a little far away from any store-bought remoulade which tends to be more smooth … Despite all this handiwork it’s a fast remoulade, a simple approach which may present your very own idea of remoulade flavour. So let’s get started …

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savoury delights

lemon flavoured mozzarella

Today there is another approach for a really refreshing mozzarella dip perfect for fresh baguette accompanied by crisp white wine. I found this recipe years ago at Jamie Oliver; during one of his TV shows he simply chopped & mixed everything. You know his casual style of cooking … which I really like! The result doesn’t look so spectacular, but it tastes like freshness, lightness, melting in your mouth!

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montpellier & pasta salad

When we started our trip to Southern France, end of 2022, we made a stop-over in Montpellier. If you like details: we arrived in the afternoon of 30th of December, stayed in Montpellier for New Year’s Eve and restarted to Carcassone on 1st of January. I remember that it was rather cold and rainy … except of New Year’s Day when suddenly the sun appeared on a blue sky. We then enjoyed a lazy coffee…

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savoury delights

roasted & creamed aubergine … in southern france

My standard information nowadays … We are still in Southern France resp. Northern Spain … It is hot, really hot … & for dinner it’s most of the days a cold affair: fresh bread, ham, cheese … & some dip (or more than a single dip!). So I remembered my aubergine dip … In the past: Aubergines (aka eggplant) & I – we did never become close friends. I’m fond of beautiful aubergines, but coming…

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savoury delights

from avocado to guacamole

Avocados are very popular w/ us. I think we are no exception. Especially since we are in Southern France we like to create some avocado mess & indulge w/ fresh baguette for our dinner. Afterwards we may have some cheese … for the finish. As I already told you there is only a tiny kitchen in our home so preparing excessive meals for lunch or dinner, requiring cooking & frying & preparing a sauce &…

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