sweet delights

mashed strawberries & no churn yoghurt ice cream

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I couldn’t resist to try another ice cream: mashed strawberry & raspberry in a yoghurt mix… It’s perfect: easy to make, full of fruity summer flavors, creamy… & you don’t need an ice cream maker!



My last post was on home-made ice cream & now there’s another one… (Don’t be afraid: I don’t intend to  reinvent this blog as a „How to make ice cream?“ blog.)

I made some ice cream w/ strawberries & chocolate – a real rich (!) ice cream – when it got hot hereabout; just before we went on holiday in Rome. In Rome everywhere there is a gelateria; always you stumble on people w/ ice cream cones, melting ice cream dripping on the cobbles or worse on your shirt…

Italian ice cream is a dream… So back home I struggled to approach the Italian ice creamy dolce vita w/ the last strawberries & some raspberries in a light yoghurt mix.

What do we need?



It’s only:

  • condensed milk (i. e. sweetened concentrated milk)
  • Greek yoghurt
  • puréed strawberries & raspberries
  • some orange liqueur.

For the purée:

  • clean & trim & hull the strawberries
  • purée the strawberries (w/ some orange liqueur) in a stand mixer
  • clean the rasberries
  • purée the raspberries (w/ some orange liqueur) in a stand mixer (add some strawberry purée if too dry!)
  • strain the raspberry purée & discard the pits
  • mix all the purée in a bowl.



Then you add the Greek yoghurt as well as the condensed milk & whisk.



That’s it!

Pour the mess in a container & place it trustingly in your freezer.

Every 2 h you should do a quality test & mix the mess thoroughly – either in the container (if big enough!) or by filling the mess in a bowl & afterwards refilling the container.

After about 6 h the ice cram is fine for serving!





mashed strawberries & no churn yoghurt ice cream
It’s almost at the end of strawberry - pushing the necessity to try another type of strawberry flavoured ice cream. Based on mashed strawberry with some raspberries on top I whisked yoghurt in the mess!
Prep Time30 minutes
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (400 g)
  • 150 g Greek yoghurt 10%
  • 300 g strawberries
  • 150 g raspberries
  • 4 tbsp orange liqueur
how to:
  • Clean & trim & hull the strawberries.
  • Clean the raspberries.
  • Purée the strawberries w/ 2 tbsp of the orange liqueur in a stand mixer.
  • Do the very same w/ the raspberries; afterwards strain the raspberries. Discard the pits.
  • Pour all the purée in a bowl & whisk.
  • Add the condensed milk as well as the Greek yoghurt & mix.
  • Pour the mess in a container & put it in the freezer.
  • Every 2 hours just whisk the mess once again.
  • After about 6 h the ice cream is ready.
Prep Time: The initial freezing period is not included.
Raspberry purée: If the raspberries are too dry for purée-ing just ad some tbsp strawberry purée.
Don’t purée strawberries & raspberries in the same step: the raspberry pits have to be removed - it’s easier to do straining only for the raspberry purée.
When the ice cream sits in the freezer for more than 24 h it’s solidly frozen. So think of taking it out of the freezer about 10-15 min before serving.




When the ice cream sits in the freezer for more than 24 h it gets solidly frozen (the freezer works at about -18° C!). So think about giving the ice cream some time (about 10-15 min) outside the freezer to get ready for serving!


The businesswoman w/ too many office hours thinks

I think I like this ice cream even more than the last one: it’s absolutely creamy & made w/ yoghurt.
I’m sure that I can use other fruity flavours than strawberries & raspberries… maybe I should try some mix of apricots & red currants, some blueberries & pears or so… The process won’t change! (Only the type of liqueur may change according to the fruits I use!)


