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At the moment the weather turns towards autumn & winter rapidly, but after dinner a ball of creamy ice cream is just fine – even when already dark after 7 pm, the heating slowly starting to do its duty … lounging on a comfy sofa watching some movie …
To some extent ice cream is bound to seasons especially when working w/ fresh fruit like strawberries … Otherwise there is fruit available all years long like most citrus fruits. So on the brink of the dark months I envisioned to do something with …
Remember Key Lime Pie? It’s a classic dessert from Florida … & some time ago I tried my special version. (My special version then: I skipped the fresh eggs & the meringue – nevertheless it was delicious. (Also my version w/ lemons – for limes – was fine!))
So now it’s key lime ice cream. You may guess what it’s like …
This is a view of autumn’s world & an approach to sweeten the season, however, there is also another view resp. approach: let’s escape!
My better half & I went on a relax trip to a Mediterranean island – have a look … At our doorstep there is a lemon tree, in the background there is sun & blue sky … Some how it fits into my ice cream making.
So before starting w/ some notes about our trip I’d like to share my latest ice cream adventure!
Maybe you think that it’s a little too late for any ice cream in autumn, but I think ice cream is an all-year delicacy. It’s a perfect dessert taking almost no time – only patience until it’s frozen.
Of course at home I worked w/ limes, organic limes … because I used the zest as well as the juice.

The main flavor agent are these organic limes. I had 4 of them. (At 1st I pondered about the quantity – should I go for 6 limes? More about this later.)
I don’t have an ice cream maker – so it’s always no-churn ice cream.
Let’s start!
What do we need …
- condensed milk
- Greek yoghurt
- organic limes
- digestives.

The organic limes are cleaned & the zest is scraped off. Afterwards press the limes for the juice. Then discard the rest.
Plain digestives are crushed w/ help of a bag & the rolling pin. It isn’t necessary to crush the digestives into minuscule crumbs!
Sweetened condensed milk & Greek yoghurt are whipped until well combined. Lime zest & lime juice are added – & finally the crumbled digestives.
In a freezer proof container just pour in the mess, close the lid & put it in your freezer for about 4 h. While chilling in the cold stir the mess 3-4 times.
… & you’ll get a creamy mess somewhat sweet, but also slightly acid w/ crumbs of digestives all over the mess. It reminds me more of a key lime cheesecake than a simple ice cream.
Concerning the amounts:
- 4 limes are fine for me. If you like a stronger lime touch just work w/ the zest of 5-6 limes or w/ some more lime juice. I got 6 tbsp lime juice out of my 4 limes – so add 1-2 tbsp.
- Of course you might substitute whipped cream (stiffly whipped!) for Greek yoghurt.
- Of course you might add some sugar; stay w/ icing sugar. My better half & I … we like it just w/ condensed milk (enough sweetness for us!).
- I had 8 digestives … a lot of crumbs. If you like less just work w/ 6 digestives. (I don’t recommend to use more than 8 …).

- 400 g condensed milk (1 can)
- 250 g Greek yoghurt
- 120 g digestives (8 pieces – crushed)
- 4 organic limes (juice & zest)
- Clean the limes; grate the zest & press the juice.
- Crush the digestives.
- Mix everything & fill it in a freezer proof container.
- Freeze in your freezer for about 4 h. Mix 3-4 times.