sweet delights

my 1st galette (w/ rhubarb)!

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I’m always looking for easy & fast dishes … also dishes which can be prepared w/o using too many pots & pans & other kitchen equipment which need to be cleaned excessively later. So I admired the easy way of galettes for rather a long time – & now I decided to give it a try.

For my 1st approach I chose a very simple galette w/ few ingredients. It’s rhubarb season at the moment so I thought a sweet galette w/ fresh rhubarb would fit into my project nicely.



How to prepare a galette?
You need a baking tray & baking parchment. W/o any fuss you roll out the pastry & pile the fruit in the middle. Then you fold in the rim – that’s the whole process.

What do we need?

I roamed my cookbooks & was happy to find a galette approach in Meike Peters’ 365 cookbook .

So I assembled:

  • fresh red rhubarb
  • vanilla sugar
  • flour
  • lemon juice
  • an egg
  • … & a bowl w/ flour, butter, sugar for the pastry.



W/ my hands I crumbled & kneaded the pastry until all was combined. Then I wrapped it in cling foil & let it chill in my fridge (fresh department at about 0° C) for about 30 min.

In the meantime I cleaned & trimmed the rhubarb; I cut it lengthwise & afterwards in pieces of about 4-5 cm. The rhubarb was mixed w/ the sugar, the flour & the lemon juice.

Next step:
Preheat the oven to 180° C w/ fan. The baking tray should stay in the oven!



I put the pastry between 2 sheets of cling foil & rolled it out … Seriously: I tried to get it almost circular!

Finally I removed the upper sheet of cling foil & covered it w/ baking parchment instead. Then I turned it over & removed the other sheet of cling foil.

I put all the rhubarb mess in the center of the pastry.



I folded in the rim.



Now the egg … I almost forgot about it!

Just whip the egg, brush the egg wash all over the folded rim & add some sugar.



Now it’s time for the oven session of about 30 min.
(Open the oven, pull out the baking tray & let the baking paper w/ the galette slip onto the hot baking tray.)

… & voilà!



I really admire all these galettes which are …

  • symmetrical (e. g. the 5-rim-approach!)
  • optically a feast (i. e. not such a mess like mine!) w/ the fruit arranged after a geometrical pattern.

My 1st galette is more the hand-made type, the fast approach … (Does it matter? It was just delicious … still warm … juicy … )





my 1st galette (w/ rhubarb)!
Prep Time40 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Servings: 8
for the pastry:
  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 125 g butter
  • 2 tbsp cold water
for the filling:
  • 300 g rhubarb (cleaned, trimmed)
  • 80 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
for the top:
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 egg
how to:
  • Put all ingredienst for the pastry in a bowl & mix & knead w/ your hands until all is combined.
  • Form a plate or a ball, wrap in cling foil & put it in the fridge (fresh section) for about 30 min.
  • In the meantime clean & trim the rhubarb; cut it in pieces of about 4-5 cm & cut each piece lengthwide once or twice.
  • Add all the other ingredients & mix thoroughly.
  • Preheat the oven to 180° C w/ fan. Place a baking tray in the oven.
  • Flatten the pastry w/ a rolling pin between layers of cling foil until alomost round w/ a diameter of about 30 cm.
  • Remove the clingfoil on top & add a sheet of baking paper. Turn over & remove the rest of the clingfoil.
  • Add the rhubarb mess in the middle & leave a rim of 4-5 cm.
  • Fold in the pastry.
  • Whip the egg & brush the pastry generously w/ the egg wash. Add some vanilla sugar on top.
  • Move the galette on the baking parchment carefully onto the hot baking tray & let it bake for about 30 min.
Servings: It's possible to cut 6-8 pieces for a dessert after dinner adding some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. If it's a humble dinner you may cut the galette into 4 pieces (w/o any ice cream or whipped cream).
Prep Time: includes the resting time in the fridge.


(information on equipment)