sweet delights

rhubarb tart: soft & creamy!

We’ll create a tart – soft, but slightly sour rhubarb surrounded by a lemony cheesecake filling on top of a juicy crumbling crust: dig in … & once in your mouth all will melt into a soft sweet & sour mess … Rhubarb season started some weeks ago. When working on my blog I stumbled across this recipe for a rhubarb tart – now updated, however, as delicious as some years ago. In a nutshell:…

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sweet delights

rhubarb … & more!

Long time, no see – or better: long time, no post. What happened?As you may have noticed about mid of March my better half & I, we made a weekend trip to Maastricht (fine weather, sunshine, having coffee outdoors … a perfect spring weekend!). Beginning of April we made a weekend trip to Strasbourg; unfortunately it was very cold w/ rain and some fine snow. Yes – we had managed to pick just this weekend…

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sweet delights

yoghurt & cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I’m still in my rhubarb mania although slowly the rhubarb season comes to an end. Nevertheless I noted that this year there is especially fine rhubarb in the market – lots of it. On the other hand I’m also still in my loaf cake mania: so I thought about combining both passions. Concerning loaf cakes I came across some recipes using yoghurt … so I tried a version w/…

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sweet delights

team red meets yogurt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I admit: I’m in the middle of the characteristic spring tsunami cheered for by any food blogs at their pulse of life – it’s all about rhubarb, strawberries, asparagus, wild garlic … These are the main ingredients for any food – if cooked, if baked, if unprocessed – filling the recipes of food blogs at the moment. Ok – most of the bunch are seasonal. (I don’t buy any…

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sweet delights

rhubarb ricotta rectangle

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Rhubarb appeared – finally – in the market resp. in the fruit & vegetable corner of my trusted food store. Since some years I’m a rhubarb fan. (I admit that I wasn’t fond of rhubarb when I was a child, a teenager etc. – old habits die hard: so it took me some years to appreciate rhubarb.) I like the fresh young stems – especially the slim ones of…

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sweet delights

2 bowls & 1 cake w/ ricotta cream

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   To make this cake I only used 2 bowls. Honestly, I hate dishwashing … especially when there is any china or bowls or pots or whatever which doesn’t fit in our dishwasher. (We only work w/ a slim 45 cm dishwasher.) So I always try to minimize the number of any equipment when cooking or baking. For this simple cake I was fine w/ only 2 bowls. The…

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sweet delights

my 1st galette (w/ rhubarb)!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m always looking for easy & fast dishes … also dishes which can be prepared w/o using too many pots & pans & other kitchen equipment which need to be cleaned excessively later. So I admired the easy way of galettes for rather a long time – & now I decided to give it a try. For my 1st approach I chose a very simple galette w/ few…

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sweet delights

once again: now rhubarb & strawberry & chocolate

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I couldn’t resist to try another version after rhubarb season – rhubarb bake!. There are lots of rhubarb outside as well as strawberries – we are only in June. So I thought a mix of both might be quite nice. …& additionally I opted for chocolate cake…     So let’s start w/ this wonderful mountain of prepared fresh rhubarb & strawberries.

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sweet delights

rhubarb season – rhubarb bake!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are mid of rhubarb season & it’s time for me to add some new rhubarb dessert experience. I thought of some combination of baked rhubarb w/ lots of thickened rhubarb juice & some light cake…     For the record: The dessert is also known as cobbler in the English hemisphere. In general it’s a thick layer of fresh fruit covered by a thin layer of batter…

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sweet delights

super-moist rhubarb cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I like loaf cakes. They are so versatile. There are the classic ones like vanilla cake, marble cake, chocolate cake… There are the fruity ones where you just add apples or cherries or …whatever – not to mention the ones w/ dried fruit… & finally every loaf may be covered by icing if a mix of chocolate & cream, if a sugar icing flavoured by lemon or orange…

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