sweet delights

i scream … ice cream … in southern france

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It’s hot outside – the sky is blue – the sun burns like hell: it’s ice-cream weather!

Some years ago I tried to prepare homemade ice-cream in a very simple way & it worked: a creamy & refreshing lemon chocolate ice-cream was my very 1st creation.

(In fact I never was eager to produce homemade ice-cream. Maybe because an ice-cream machine didn’t sit on my kitchen desk – no way of churning ice-cream manually. Even today when reading ice-cream recipes I stop at once when some ice-cream machine is required … So I was happy when I encountered suddenly lots of ice-cream recipes explicitly pointing out that it’s a no-churn ice-cream!)

Concerning Southern France …

We are still in Sérignan near the Mediterranean coast and it’s summer now since about a week: we enjoy it. That’s why the idea of producing ice-cream came to me suddenly … I recalled what I might need & added the essentials for my lemon chocolate ice-cream to our weekly shopping list.

So it’s now trying to revive my recipe in Southern France!

However, we start like back to the basics …

Sticking to the basics for a no-churn ice-cream we won’t need too many ingredients:

  • condensed milk (1 can)
  • sour cream
  • whipping cream
  • an organic lemon (lemon zest as well as lemon juice)
  • dark chocolate flakes.

So we are starting with an organic lemon. We’ll need lemon zest as well as lemon juice – so we process the lemon.

Next step:
The condensed milk & the sour cream & the lemon zest & the lemon juice are thoroughly combined. The whipping cream is whipped until stiff & folded in.

Finally dark chocolate flakes are added.

I used an empty ice-cream container (about 750 ml) which was just fitting for my creation.
Just pour the mix in such a container (or in any freezer approved container!) & put it in the freezer (at -18° C).

Now it’s waiting … about 5-6 h later …

Coming back to the Southern France edition:

  • I searched my kitchen, but I didn’t find any electric (or non-electric) handheld mixer. So how to whip the whipping cream?
  • I decided to substitute sour cream & whipping cream by crème fraîche.
  • It worked – simply delicious!

Voilà: creamy lemon-chocolate ice-cream!

After about 5-6 h the ice-cream is rather creamy & a heavenly treat – you can start enjoying it. (I recommend to check on the ice-cream after 4 h for the creaminess resp. consistency.)

If you store the ice-cream longer than 6 h it gets really hard – no problem: just leave it outside the freezer for about 10-15 min to make it easier for scooping when serving.

Now … enjoy!

i scream … ice cream … in southern france
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time5 hours
Servings: 8
  • 400 g condensed milk (1 can)
  • 200 g sour cream (20% … 24%)
  • 200 g whipping cream
  • 1 organic lemon (lemon zest as well as lemon juice)
  • 25 g dark chocolate flakes
  • handheld electric mixer
  • freezer approved container (750 ml)
how to:
  • Process the lemon for lemon zest & lemon juice.
  • Combine condensed milk & sour cream with an egg whip.
  • Add lemon zest & lemon juice.
  • Whip the whipping cream with a handheld electric mixer until stiff.
  • Combine with the rest.
  • Add the chocolate flakes.
  • Pour into a freezer approved container (about 750 ml).
  • Freeze for about 5 hours.
Cook Time: it’s the minimum time in the freezer!
Serving Size: of course it depends on the size of the scoops!
If you like it a little more lemony just add some more lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons).
If you like a little more chocolate just add 50 gr dark chocolate flakes.
Condensed milk: (just for clarification …) It’s concentrated milk with lots of sugar, very creamy and incredible sweet!
The prepared mix will fit into a container of about 750 ml (e. g. use a store-bought ice- cream container which happens to wait for another time to be used).