sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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sweet delights

ricotta cake with mashed berries

This cake is so simple and easy. You can use it again and again. It’ll go fine always … & anytime of the year. Depending on the seasons you can add some fresh fruit or some mixed-berry-sauce or some chocolate sauce or whatever to create your own special cake event. One approach is flavoring the cake with lemon or orange flavour & adding fresh fruit e. g. fresh berries. Okay – you won’t have fresh…

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sweet delights

jam season: strawberry & raspberry / pineapple & lemon!

It’s summer & it’s jam season … (There are years … I missed this somehow!) So for jam season I tried a mix of strawberries w/ raspberries & lemon (zest & juice!). It turned out to be a very, very red jam w/ a sharp edge of lemon flavour! I started like: … & afterwards I tried a slightly other mix which led to a more orange-red jam: So let’s prepare some summer jam …

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sweet delights

rhubarb tart: soft & creamy!

We’ll create a tart – soft, but slightly sour rhubarb surrounded by a lemony cheesecake filling on top of a juicy crumbling crust: dig in … & once in your mouth all will melt into a soft sweet & sour mess … Rhubarb season started some weeks ago. When working on my blog I stumbled across this recipe for a rhubarb tart – now updated, however, as delicious as some years ago. In a nutshell:…

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sweet delights

lemon cake & moving … & winter blues

This winter we had an especially grey & dull time (my private experience). The sky was so grey (most of the time), the days were grey & filled w/ rain (too often), it was cold & humid about 5° C (… & sometimes below zero) – and we had some snow (for about 3 days!). I felt winter blues … In addition … after living in the Mediterranean area for most of 2023 I missed…

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savoury delights

lemon flavoured mozzarella

Today there is another approach for a really refreshing mozzarella dip perfect for fresh baguette accompanied by crisp white wine. I found this recipe years ago at Jamie Oliver; during one of his TV shows he simply chopped & mixed everything. You know his casual style of cooking … which I really like! The result doesn’t look so spectacular, but it tastes like freshness, lightness, melting in your mouth!

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just pasta savoury delights

it’s summer: lemon pasta … also in the south …

Pasta & summer: it’s an excellent combination because pasta is an easy dish convenient for all these warm summer nights when sitting outside w/ a glass of wine longing for some easy, but substantial food – which wouldn’t keep you in the kitchen for too long. It’s also one of my favourite pasta dishes in the south if Southern France or Northern Spain (where we are now!). The main challenge sometimes seems to be to…

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sweet delights

i scream … ice cream … in southern france

It’s hot outside – the sky is blue – the sun burns like hell: it’s ice-cream weather! Some years ago I tried to prepare homemade ice-cream in a very simple way & it worked: a creamy & refreshing lemon chocolate ice-cream was my very 1st creation. (In fact I never was eager to produce homemade ice-cream. Maybe because an ice-cream machine didn’t sit on my kitchen desk – no way of churning ice-cream manually. Even…

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sweet delights

a pie for the heat

During the last days summer was all over the place w/ temperatures of about 30° C – at least in the afternoon. It isn’t a time for cooking & baking. So for desserts I like to opt for fresh fruit or – even better – a fruit salad. However, it’s also always nice to prepare a sweet pie lounging in the fridge until it’s time for dessert. I posted a recipe some years ago –…

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sweet delights

summer & heat … lemons & ice cream!

My better half & I: we are back home. So I’m back on my blog. For 3 weeks we lived in France – holidays in Brittany. While it was about 20-25° C as expected for beginning of June, temperatures skyrocketed up to 35° C during our last week. When back home – surprise! – the next heat wave approached … So I decided that we’ll need ice cream … to survive. I thought about a…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & parmesan & pine nuts

It’s a simple & easy pasta dish.(To add some flavorful edge also quite a lot of lemon juice & lemon zest found its way into the pasta bowl.) Do we need a recipe? Is it worth a post?Yes, because there are these great soft roasted pine nuts all over the pasta – freshly roasted just minutes before added. There is also freshly grated Parmesan, fluffy & creamy at the same time, delivering a sharp edge…

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sweet delights

the square cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I bought a new baking tin. Of course I already own some baking tins … you’ve met them whenever I’m baking (springforms & loaf tins, a Bundt cake pan, tart forms …), but nevertheless you always stumble across a new product. Since several months I’m intrigued by simple flat cakes – rectangular shaped – which can be cut into nice small pieces. A baking tray is too big &…

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sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. It all started with … watching Brigderton starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021. My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series. During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021…

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sweet delights

little red fruit cakes everywhere

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Do you like binge watching? We – my better half & I – do. We liked binge watching as soon as TV series appeared via DVD boxes & more than ever as soon as streaming became a commodity. During Corona times when everything (aka cinema, theaters, concert halls …) is closed streaming & binge watching is manifest.   For the record: I always was annoyed when there was…

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