Last year, in 2023, we travelled … living in Southern France and Northern Spain. A recent summary is to be found here!)
Since October we are back in Germany … now living at the foot of Michaelsberg with its monastery (dating back to 1064 & closed in 2011).

We started flat hunting and found a new home. Then the real work started: renovating & painting, ordering to deliver our container with our furniture and everything else – e. g. about 90 moving boxes. You may imagine that we were busy during the next weeks & months putting up our pieces of furniture, buying additional pieces here & there, finding suitable places for hanging pictures, unpacking all the boxes, finding appropriate storage slots … Sometimes we were really surprised what we found in our storage boxes – couldn’t remember that we packed especially these items!
In addition there is a bunch of administrative tasks from enrolling in our new home town via ordering a new contract for provision of electricity … and last, but not least caring for Internet access.
Finally we decided that we’ve arrived …

You may have noticed that during the last weeks only few posts appeared … and no posts with new food i. e. just prepared and photographed. Sorry: I was too busy with arriving!
Finally: all is in place now!
(Nothing disappeared or got damaged – so I may restart … however, I noticed that my learnt and sophisticated processes need to be updated because of a new kitchen, a new system in my kitchen … etc. So it might take some more time …)

Furthermore since starting into travelling I took a critical look at my blog, almost 8 years old now. I started with clearing the posts of my early years, either re-engineering or deleting. At the same time a streamlined my blog – a little bit. Finally I came to the point that the basic design of my blog is no longer state-of-the-art (let’s say it this way!).
So during the last weeks I tried new WP themes and new designs – and I think that it’ll work. So let yourself be surprised by a new design coming soon.
… until then I’ll continue re-engineering older posts (which is mainly necessary by technical WP developments!) and maybe start with some new food … I’m pretty sure I’ll need a lot of pasta to give me lots of energy and patience to deal with my new vision! (Therefore I started stocking up pasta in my new kitchen.)