savoury delights

beef & wine … more wine!

I read about Boeuf Bourguignon in Julia Child’s cooking bible (in my cookbooks) & started thinking how to do it – a modest version of course. Instead of a dutch oven I decided to do it in my slow cooker meaning that I prepare the ingredients, put everything in my slow cooker & start the high temp program. Afterwards the slow cooker will sit in a corner on my kitchen counter daydreaming … no need…

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savoury delights soups

showery weather soup: quick & dirty!

We are back in Germany! It’s October now & suddenly it’s rainy, cold, stormy – sometimes the sun reappears resulting in some warming feeling … but then suddenly the temperature drops again … & raindrops keep falling on your head. That’s exactly the time for a hot soup keeping you warm & comfortable! I remembered my very first approaches to create creamy pumpkin soup … so here’s the recipe for 4 small bowls of soft…

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just pasta savoury delights

quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta

What is this all about? At the moment we are in Northern Spain near Barcelona … so the classic Spanish tortilla is part of the menus. I always liked tortilla since I made the 1st acquaintance of it in a holiday trip on Formentera – decades ago! So I unearthed my post on tortilla … which introduces also a tortilla w/ pasta! Let’s resume … I made a tortilla – straightforward (see photo on top).…

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just pasta savoury delights

tomato sausages in southern france

We are still in Southern France – and sometimes I reinvent a recipe from my blog. This time … Do you imagine that in Southern France there are lots of types of frying sausages? Honestly, I was surprised at the variety. There are thin sausages, thick sausages, short & longer than a meter … also gentle seasoned as well as really hot – and all spicy variations in between. So we often bought some sausages…

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savoury delights

shakshuka – for breakfast & dinner

We are in Southern France, living for 4 months in a small house in Carcassonne. As I told you already: the kitchen is small & the kitchen equipment is limited. So cooking is somewhat of a challenge … However, what fits is Shakshuka. … & you may prepare it for breakfast as well as for dinner! (We almost never have lunch here, but of course it’s also a delicious simple lunch!) Some years ago I…

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le lac and le boudin

Le Lac (the lake) and Le Boudin (black pudding): where is the connection?There isn’t any. On a rather cold day in February we went to Lac de Montagnès in Southern France in La Montagne Noir, the most southern part of the Massif Central. The sky was blue, the sun was brilliant, only the temperature was rather low. We were at about 600-800 m & some snow had survived here and there – not only on…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta w/ broccoli

Back now from Belgium for about 3 weeks & entangled in preparing the planned move. Did I mention that we lived in our house for about 20 years … a spacious house … enabling us to fill it w/ furniture, framed pictures, memorabilia, books, DVDs … whatever. We plan systematically – starting w/ a list of all our possessions, small & big … deciding what to do. Is it still ok, working, useful? Do we…

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savoury delights with rice

rice … burnt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Sometimes I’m old-fashioned. I’ve got a notebook – a notebook w/ pages made of paper, a cardboard cover … where I gather recipes, most of them are ripped out pages from any magazines fixed w/ sticky tape. Honestly, most of them rest there until my notebook is exhausted & I decide to straighten up (i. e. next step is trash). Well – in our digital world my last notebook…

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savoury delights

roulade w/ mediterranean touch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s summer time. All people think about BBQ dreaming of perfect sausages & steaks – or whatever. Also substantial or less substantials salads are in vogue. Nobody thinks about a roast … in a kitchen … needing long hours … However, I bought a beef package (100% organic) processed from happy cows somewhere in Bavaria weeks ago. All portions went straight in our freezer. Amongst others there were…

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savoury delights

what to do w/ dull vegetables?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What happened? I opened my fridge & learnt that there were some leftovers … vegetables to be correct. Carrots & spring onions. Also in my pantry there were some potatoes … & in my freezer I had some frozen peas. In each case it wasn’t so much … not enough for whatever … So I decided to make a real big batch of mixed vegetables! Next morning when…

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savoury delights

baked greek meat balls

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I found a recipe for baked Greek meat balls on the food blog The Mediterranean Dish, however, I thought: Isn’t it more Greek if there is also some feta involved? So I started my own version w/ additional feta sealed up in the meat balls.     When starting you’ll need some onion, some garlic & a bay leaf to be fried in some olive oil until soft. (It’s…

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savoury delights

vegetables… in coconut milk…

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.     I went shopping & I came back w/ vegetables. Before starting for my weekly shopping adventure at my trusted food store I remembered a recipe for a vegetable curry on Chocolate & Zucchini – and decided to give it a try. At 1st there were vegetables… Generally I’m no friend of leftovers concerning bare ingredients – I always try to use everything I buy especially when buying for…

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savoury delights

approaching the drunken chicken

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Winter is approaching – the days are becoming shorter i. e. daylight is really low some days. When cooking this approach to coq au vin we had one of these days… In the evening when my drunken chicken was finally ready I had to use additional artificial light for the photos – sorry: I always prefer natural light, but now when the sun decides to vanish sometime between…

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