savoury delights

roulade w/ mediterranean touch

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It’s summer time. All people think about BBQ dreaming of perfect sausages & steaks – or whatever. Also substantial or less substantials salads are in vogue. Nobody thinks about a roast … in a kitchen … needing long hours …

However, I bought a beef package (100% organic) processed from happy cows somewhere in Bavaria weeks ago. All portions went straight in our freezer. Amongst others there were beef roulades which hang around since then. So I decided to do roulades for the weekend … no classic German style roulades, but w/ a Mediterranean touch.

The most delicious part of roulades is the filling. I’m sure nobody will disagree. So the filling has to combine the Mediterranean flavors – I imagined.

At 1st I scanned my kitchen drawers for my roulade pins because w/o pins there wouldn’t be any roulades. (I’ll have to admit that I’m always short in butcher’s string … when trying to stock up it seems always sold out.)


For the record:
I’ve got more than 4 pins. However, I planned to do 2 roulades & I need 2 pins per roulade.



I thought about the Mediterranean touch – how to create it …
So the next step: are there any ingredients I’d need which aren’t available in my pantry or fridge? I didn’t find any roadblock!

So let’s start!

What do we need for the roulades – i. e. the filling?



It’s not so sophisticated:

  • spring onions
  • thinly sliced bacon (I had Italian bacon.)
  • dried tomatoes w/ capers in olive oil
  • French sweet mustard & Dijon mustard

… & (very important even if not in the photo!):

  • dried Herbs of Provence.


I started w/ chopping the spring onions, adding sweet mustard & dried Herbs of Provence. Added some salt & pepper to taste.



When rolling out the beef roulades I noticed that they were not equal in size. That’s life!

I distributed the Dijon mustard evenly all over the roulades. On top the thinly sliced bacon – you need not chopping the bacon!

I placed some dried tomatoes w/o squeezing all the olive oil & filled it up generously w/ the spring onion mess.



Now the crucial part of the preparation starts: forming the roulade & fixing it.

The filling is delicious, but resist to overdoing. The roulades will be rolled up – it’s ok if some filling spills, but only a little bit. The roulades shall be compact & happy to be fixed w/ 2 pins. Too much filling … no!



In a frying pan w/ some olive oil I started frying the roulades from all sides until nicely brown. This will take about 15 min.



In the meantime we’ll prepare the starter set for the sauce.


For the record:
When stating that the filling of roulades is the most delicious part of the whole roast affair … well never underestimate the sauce of roulades!


So we need:

  • carrots
  • onions
  • celeriac
  • garlic
  • bay leaves
  • rosemary.

Chop roughly the vegetables & the garlic.



Take the nicely brown roulades out of the frying pan, set aside & dump the vegetables & the herbs into the pan. Add salt & pepper. Start frying for about 10-15 min.
Careful: the vegetables shall not get burnt!



For the sauce we also have to add:

  • beef stock
  • red wine
  • tomato purée
  • sugar or sugar syrup or honey. (I had sugar syrup.)



Pour everything into the frying pan w/ the vegetables & mix well. Bring it to a boil – then dump the roulades in the liquid.



Now we are almost finished!

Put a fitting lid on the frying pan & reduce the heat – enough heat for a gentle simmering of the liquid.

For the next 2 hours or 2,5 hours (or even 3 hours!): just let it work on its own.



The roulades are ready when they are soft. Make the famous test w/ a wooden pin … The pin shall go smoothly into the roulade!



Save the roulades on a plate.



Discard the bay leaves & the rosemary …

… & grab your handheld electric blender … (If your frying pan is as low as mine: Pour the mess into a small pot beforehand!)

After the blending session there is a fine smooth sauce which doesn’t need any thickening actions. Only: add some salt & pepper to taste.



… & the roulades: soft & crumbly, full of flavor, juicy, a little garlicky … you smell the tomatoes, the rosemary, the red wine … you experience the south!

My better half & I simply cooked some pasta & made a deep dive into the mix of roulade, sauce & pasta.





roulade w/ mediterranean touch
Prep Time40 minutes
Cook Time2 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 2
for the roulades:
  • 2 beef roulades (about 350 g)
  • 50 g dried tomatoes in olive oil
  • 4 slices Italian bacon (about 40 g)
  • 2 tsp sweet French mustard
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 tsp dried Herbs of Provence
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
for the sauce:
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 g celeriac
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 400 ml beef stock
  • 400 ml red wine
  • 140 g tomato purée (2 small cans)
  • 1-2 tbsp sugar or sugar syrup or honey
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • handheld electric blender
how to:
  • Chop the spring onions, mix w/ the Herbs of Provence & the sweet mustard. Add some salt & pepper to taste.
  • Place the beef roulades on a plate or board large enough.
  • Add the Dijon mustard & distribute evenly all over the roulades.
  • Add the bacon & the dried tomatoes.
  • Finally add the spring onion mess.
  • Roll up the roulades & fix w/ pins or butcher's string.
  • Put the roulades in a frying pan w/ some olive oil & start frying. Turn the roulades from time to time. This shall take about 15 min max. until the roulades are nicely brown.
  • In the meantime: clean, trim & chop the carrots, the onion & the celeriac.
  • Put the roulades on a plate & continue w/ frying the vegetables in olive oil for about 10-15 min.
  • Add the bay leaves, the roughly chopped cloves of garlic & the rosemary - and some salt & pepper to taste.
  • Add the stock, the red wine & the tomato purée as well as the sugar (resp. sugar syrup or honey).
  • As soon as all is combined dump the roulades in the mess & close the frying pan w/ a fitting lid.
  • Braise for about 2,5 - 3 hours.
  • Save the roulades which should be very soft now & remove the pins resp. the butcher's string. Discard the bay leaves & the rosemary twigs.
  • Smooth the sauce w/ a handheld electric blender. Add some salt & pepper to taste.
  • Ready for serving.


(information on equipment)