savoury delights

butternut mash – savory with cheese or sweet & spicy

My favorites for working with pumpkin are still hokkaido and butternut. Especially for a creamy result, like soft mashed potatoes, butternut is the best choice. Above there is a butternut mash with red onions, bacon & goat cheese. Below there is another butternut mash, the sweet & spicy version with Asian flavors & ham & shrimps. Any butternut mash you serve like mashed potatoes together with meat or fish … or other vegetables, however, you…

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savoury delights with rice

fried rice w/ everything

Primarily fried rice is recycling leftovers into a light & hearty & fast & easy dish for weeknight dinners. Of course you can start fried rice from the scratch adding selected this & that items trying to get a mix of meat & fish/seafood & vegetables w/ matching spices … In a nutshell: there are many ways to do your “fried rice w/…“ – if starting from the scratch or relying on the leftovers in…

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savoury delights

mashed fish sandwich

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. This sandwich is dedicated to process leftovers of fried fish fillet – whatever kind of fish: if cod, if redfish, if hake … I made this sandwich out of the moment when I happened to have some pieces of fried fish fillet in my fridge. My better half was delighted – & so I decided to do it once more for my blog w/ all the photos etc. This…

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just pasta

straight tomato cannelloni

Some time ago I made simple cannelloni – simple classic cannelloni w/ meat & tomato sauce & melted cheese on top. I think it isn’t anything fancy with these cannelloni: there are no extraordinary ingredients (e. g. special rare Italian cheese or so), there are no modern add-ons (e. g. any gluten-free pasta or so) … or whatever! So let’s start & share the recipe! I happen to have a wonderful casserole able to house…

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savoury delights

toast & spinach & egg

Hungry? Crispy toast … a creamy spinach-cheese-bacon mess … a baked egg still soft … Sometimes when it’s only me & myself for lunch I like to prepare some simple toast: easy to assemble, fast to prepare, but appeasing my appetite w/o working like a stone in my stomach afterwards. (Furthermore these toasts are also welcome for my better half & me during weekend breakfasts … in varying designs.) All starts always w/ a nice…

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savoury delights

pears & roquefort

It’s time for another quiche. Some time ago I bought Meike Peters’ 365 The Cookbook. From the idea it’s covering a whole year w/ recipes – day by day. I’m pretty sure it was a huge challenge, but in the end this comprehensive book dedicated for home cooking emerged. I’m always a little vague concerning my approaches for the pastry shell of any quiche or tart. In general you can work w/ different pastry shells…

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savoury delights

finocchio’s mess

One of my favorite blogs some years ago created a blog category called THE SHITS I EAT WHEN BY MYSELF. (Here she presents all the recipes she cooks fast & easy for herself when hungry, feeling cold, feeling alone, distressed, stressed out …) When doing this fennel mess for the umpteenth time I realized that this is a candidate for such a category – if I ever had such a category! What is it about?It’s…

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savoury delights soups

sauerkraut soup

Ever tried a sauerkraut soup? Years ago I got myself involved in a moving adventure. It was some affair like starting in the 4th floor of an apartment house & ending up in the 3rd floor of another apartment house w/ lots of boxes, however, only few standard moving boxes, lots of baskets, suitcases etc. I assume all of you know what I’m talking about! (No lifts!!!) Then … suddenly in the mid of all hauling…

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savoury delights soups

lazy butternut stock

I had a fine butternut sitting on my kitchen desk for some days & decided to try an approach for a soup w/ lots of vegetables. I had some carrots, some frozen peas & some spring onions. What else? There was some bacon in my fridge & I thought it might be a fine add-on concerning the flavour. … & of course I had some of this dark green, intensive pumpkin seed oil for the…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta, pesto, pecorino … meatballs!

… & my series of pasta dishes continues while we are still in Northern Spain! I learnt from Juls’ Kitchen that „pasta w/ meatballs“ originally isn’t Italian, but an American invention (same as for Alfredo, chicken parmigiano …), however, there’s also some pasta recipe from Jul’s granny creating very tiny meatballs. Inspired by this post I started my own version of pasta w/ meatballs. I managed to create some creamy pasta w/ lots of pesto…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & fish: in-one-pot!

Another day – another approach to one-pot-pasta! Today we are dealing w/ pasta in a thickened mix of fish, tomatoes & onions flavoured w/ thyme. Even now in Northern Spain a one-pot-pasta dish is one of my favorites – because it’s so easy & there are only few ingredients … no issues w/ availability of more extraordinary input into my pan. In my oldest Italian pasta cookbook (Vincenzo Buonassisi’s Nudel & Nudel – have a…

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just pasta savoury delights

spaghetti quiche or what …

Every now & then I stumble across a recipe about a spaghetti tart or bake or … What I mean is a dish – served warm as well as cold – where cooked spaghetti are mixed with meat or vegetables or cheese or whatever & become covered by a mix of cream & eggs ready for a session in the oven. The result is some sort of quiche/tart/frittata … which may be cut into slices…

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salads savoury delights

oven-baked vegetables – leftovers …

What to do w/ leftovers? For a dinner event during weekend I prepared lots of oven-baked vegetables. It was delicious accompanied by some chicken filled w/ lemons & rosemary, a generous mix of fresh basil leaves & pressed garlic under the skin for especially flavoring the chicken breasts. (Maybe you think that the vegetables accompanied the chicken …) We all enjoyed the dinner …, however, some of the oven-baked vegetables remained on their plate afterwards…

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