savoury delights

rough remoulade

A rough remoulade?It’s a self-made, handmade, home-made remoulade: everything is mixed w/ a spoon or an egg whip, chopped w/ my own hands … so it’s a little far away from any store-bought remoulade which tends to be more smooth … Despite all this handiwork it’s a fast remoulade, a simple approach which may present your very own idea of remoulade flavour. So let’s get started …

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salads savoury delights

a big potato salad w/ mediterranean touch

Is there any surprise in a potato salad? Yes: you may add Mediterranean herbs for a delicious summer & holiday flavour … Some years ago I made this potato salad rather spontaneously because suddenly all the rainy weather in Germany cleared up & sun came back w/ fine temperatures fit for some last BBQ events in the garden. … & a real bit potato salad is always one of the best companions around (together w/…

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salads savoury delights

green beans w/ tuna cream in southern france

As I start usually these days … we are still in Southern France. However, we moved from Carcassonne to Sérignan meaning from Languedoc into Hérault approaching also the Mediterranean coast. For statistics: Carcassone is a town of about 47.000 inhabitants while Sérignan has got about 8.000 people i. e. a village. So now we are living in a small townhouse near the centre of the village – and enjoy the daily noisette resp. glass of…

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savoury delights

leftover potato salad

As I already announced – we’re planning to move. The present state of preparation involves a lot of discussing, clearing up, clearing out … So we are busy. Busy often means that cooking & baking get a raw deal. Some days ago I realized that it was about lunch time w/o having prepared anything … What about sandwiches? However, when peering into my fridge some leftover cooked potatoes caught my eye. So I thought: what…

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savoury delights

what to do w/ dull vegetables?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What happened? I opened my fridge & learnt that there were some leftovers … vegetables to be correct. Carrots & spring onions. Also in my pantry there were some potatoes … & in my freezer I had some frozen peas. In each case it wasn’t so much … not enough for whatever … So I decided to make a real big batch of mixed vegetables! Next morning when…

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savoury delights

presto, presto – do your very best sauces!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Last weekend I made sauces. My better half & I indulged in homemade sauces: top left: yoghurt based mayonnaise top right: sauce hollandaise bottom left: remoulade bottom right: mayonnaise. It sounds a little too much (at 1st sight!), but I had planned our weekend meals ahead & thought it would be nice to have home-made sauces for brunch & dinner. So I started to prepare the sauces –…

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salads savoury delights

an array of coleslaw

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   What to do w/ a giant cabbage? (I admit: normally I only buy small heads of cabbage fitting for my better half & me, but then… there were only rather big heads on offer, so I decided to prepare a small variety of coleslaw!) I ended up w/ 4 types of coleslaw!   Based on the size of my cabbage I rounded up all the necessary ingredients for:…

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