savoury delights

rough remoulade

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A rough remoulade?
It’s a self-made, handmade, home-made remoulade: everything is mixed w/ a spoon or an egg whip, chopped w/ my own hands … so it’s a little far away from any store-bought remoulade which tends to be more smooth …

Despite all this handiwork it’s a fast remoulade, a simple approach which may present your very own idea of remoulade flavour.

So let’s get started …

What do we need?

It’s more or less only:

  • Greek yoghurt & oil
  • cornichons, anchovies & capers
  • mustard & dried herbs like parsley, chervil & tarragon
  • … & hard-boiled eggs!

Next step is the preparation i. e. finely chopping, dicing whatever there is of cornichons, anchovies & capers as well as the rescue of the egg yolks. (I assume that you’ve got some hard-boiled eggs in your fridge – if not: just boil them, chill them, peel them …)

… & mix the Greek yoghurt w/ the oil (I had peanut oil & lemon flavoured oil) & add salt & pepper to taste.

Lemon flavour is inevitable in remoulade – that’s my personal opinion. You may also add some splash of white vinegar, but it’s another flavour coming in w/ the vinegar.
Furthermore I have – at the moment – this wonderful lemon flavoured oil. Maybe one day it isn’t any longer available … then I’ll resort to freshly grated lemon zest – of course!

Now we mash the egg yolks & add the mustard (I had sweet mustard) & the dried herbs. I used dried herbs because I hadn’t any fresh herbs at this special moment. You may substitute w/o hesitating.

Mix everything w/ the yoghurt mess.

Now add the finely chopped cornichons, anchovies & capers. Mix.

Did you notice that I stayed somewhat vague about the ingredients from time to time?

Yes – it’s because remoulade especially home-made remoulade is a personal affair which may present your personal taste of flavours. It’s the point of:

  • Which type of oil?
  • Which type of mustard?
  • Which type of & how much of vinegar?
  • Which herbs?

Remoulade opens a great variety of flavors to be added to become a really hearty remoulade. So just try & substitute your preferred stuff for my suggested stuff.

So now … Ready.

You only need now something to go w/ your remoulade: in my case it’s freshly baked tilapia in a fine thin crust of breadcrumbs.


rough remoulade
Prep Time15 minutes
Servings: 2
  • 100 g greek yoghurt
  • 1 tsp lemon flavoured oil
  • 2 tbsp oil w/o flavour of its own (like peanut oil)
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 tsp sweet mustard
  • 2-3 anchovis
  • a splash of vinegar
  • 3-4 cornichons
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 1 tsp dried parsley, chervil & tarragon
  • sakt & pepper (to taste)
how to:
  • Boil 2 eggs if you can’t grab any hard-boiled eggs out of your fridge.
  • Mix the Greek yoghurt w/ the oils & add salt/pepper to taste.
  • Mash the egg yolks w/ sweet mustard & the dried herbs w/ a fork.
  • Add a splash of vinegar to taste.
  • Add the egg yolk mess to the yoghurt mess & mix.
  • Chop the cornichons, the capers & the anchovies & mix w/ the egg yolk mess.
  • If you like you can also chop the egg whites & add to the remoulade.
Oil w/o flavour of its own: Of course you can also add a fine delicate olive oil ( extra vergine …), but be aware of the olive oil flavour’s impact on the remoulade!
Lemon flavoured oil: You may also use some freshly grated lemon zest.
Sweet mustard: You may also use just mustard, however, be aware that there will be an impact on the flavour of the remoulade!
Vinegar: I prefer a light vinegar of white wine – of course you can also add your preferred vinegar, even balsamic vinegar.
Dried herbs: I worked w/ dried herbs because fresh herbs weren’t available at this moment. If going w/ fresh herbs substitute a tablespoon for a teaspoon.
Parsley, chervil, tarragon: These are the classic choices for remoulade. You may mix as you like i. e. there is no fixed proportion. You may also drop tarragon if you don’t like it or chervil if you don’t like it … or …