savoury delights

toast & spinach & egg

Hungry? Crispy toast … a creamy spinach-cheese-bacon mess … a baked egg still soft … Sometimes when it’s only me & myself for lunch I like to prepare some simple toast: easy to assemble, fast to prepare, but appeasing my appetite w/o working like a stone in my stomach afterwards. (Furthermore these toasts are also welcome for my better half & me during weekend breakfasts … in varying designs.) All starts always w/ a nice…

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savoury delights

from avocado to guacamole

Avocados are very popular w/ us. I think we are no exception. Especially since we are in Southern France we like to create some avocado mess & indulge w/ fresh baguette for our dinner. Afterwards we may have some cheese … for the finish. As I already told you there is only a tiny kitchen in our home so preparing excessive meals for lunch or dinner, requiring cooking & frying & preparing a sauce &…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta w/ broccoli

Back now from Belgium for about 3 weeks & entangled in preparing the planned move. Did I mention that we lived in our house for about 20 years … a spacious house … enabling us to fill it w/ furniture, framed pictures, memorabilia, books, DVDs … whatever. We plan systematically – starting w/ a list of all our possessions, small & big … deciding what to do. Is it still ok, working, useful? Do we…

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savoury delights with rice

chicken korma my way

It’s hot outside. Ongoing.Fortunately the nights are somewhat cooler now than before. In the morning I really enjoy starting into the day w/ Qigong in fresh air. Therefore cooking & baking isn’t so popular w/ me right now. Nevertheless sometimes … I decided to do some Asian cooking meaning it’ll be a quick affair. (… & I could make 4 servings so that my better half & I would get twice lunch or dinner.) Also…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & parmesan & pine nuts

It’s a simple & easy pasta dish.(To add some flavorful edge also quite a lot of lemon juice & lemon zest found its way into the pasta bowl.) Do we need a recipe? Is it worth a post?Yes, because there are these great soft roasted pine nuts all over the pasta – freshly roasted just minutes before added. There is also freshly grated Parmesan, fluffy & creamy at the same time, delivering a sharp edge…

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savoury delights

white, red & green: some fish, some tomatoes, some spinach leaves

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. To start with:I found the basic recipe in Clotilde Dusoulier’s cookbook as an example for food of African origin that made its way into Paris when roaming recipes & cookbooks. In my freezer some fish fillets lounged around … & I didn’t want them the simple way i. e. to coat them w/ breadcrumbs before frying. (Nevertheless it’s a delicious way to serve fish fillets!) So I found this…

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savoury delights

roulade w/ mediterranean touch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s summer time. All people think about BBQ dreaming of perfect sausages & steaks – or whatever. Also substantial or less substantials salads are in vogue. Nobody thinks about a roast … in a kitchen … needing long hours … However, I bought a beef package (100% organic) processed from happy cows somewhere in Bavaria weeks ago. All portions went straight in our freezer. Amongst others there were…

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