just pasta savoury delights

roasted red pepper pasta

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I always prepare tomato sauce during spring and summer w/ lots of fresh tomatoes roasted in the oven until a really soft mess. This tomato sauce is best for any pasta as well as vegetables or meat. You may produce quite a lot & store it in containers in your fridge for some days or even put to 2-3 weeks – be sure: it won’t last so long.

What I had in mind for rather a long time was to create a red pepper based sauce alike to the tomato sauce.

So I grabbed some red peppers, sweet & crispy, in my trusted food store.



My idea was to create a lot of red pepper sauce & use some of it together w/ some pasta for a dinner for 2 (& store the rest).


For the record:
I started w/ 500 g red peppers. At the end it was enough red pepper sauce for about 6-8 helpings.


So: lets start w/ the red peppers & the pasta.



The red peppers are cleaned, trimmed & all these tiny white pits are removed & discarded. We cut the red peppers in rather large pieces, add tomato pulp (Italian tomato pulp out of a can) as well as:

  • olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • sugar or honey or molasses
  • dried thyme leaves
  • salt & pepper.


For the record:
You may also add any other Mediterranean herbs like oregano, marjoram, basil …
You may also add some dried or fresh chili …
You may also add some garlic … (only fresh!)



All is mixed & marches into the oven at 175° C w/ fan for about 30-40 min.

… & voilà!



Let it cool for some minutes …

Then fill the mess into a high pot, grab your electric handheld immersion blender & blend. In detail:

  • Add about ¼ of the mess & add some red wine & blend.
  • Add more of the mess & blend.
  • Add rest of the mess & blend.

The sauce will be soft & viscid – substantial.

Try the sauce & add salt & pepper to taste. If you like it more runny just add some red wine.

Then … just mix the sauce w/ pasta!
(As I mentioned before the sauce will be sufficient for more than 2 helpings!)



… & add some freshly grates parmesan or pecorino!





roasted red pepper pasta
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Servings: 2
  • 500 g red peppers
  • 200 g tomato pulp (canned)
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp sugar or honey or molasses
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
  • 2-3 tbsp red wine
  • 150 g pasta
how to:
  • Clean & trim the peppers. Cut them roughly into rather large pieces.
  • Add to a casserole & mix w/ all the ingredients (except red wine & pasta).
  • Put the casserole in the oven at 175° C w/ fan for about 30 - 40 min.
  • Let it cool for some minutes. Cook the pasta according to the recommendation on the packet. Then drain the pasta.
  • Fill the pepper mess & the red wine in a high pot & blend w/ a handheld electric immersion blender until smooth (in several steps!). Add salt & pepper to taste.
  • Take about ¼ of the red pepper sauce.
  • Mix pepper mess & pasta & serve.
You may store the pepper mess for up to a week/month in your fridge.


(information on equipment)