sweet delights

got a new toy!

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There are 6 small Bundt cakes coming out of my new toy – isn’t it great! Have a look at the gleaming new baking tin…

Of course I had to test it asap!

I stuck to the recipe attached to the packaging concerning the amounts of butter, flour, eggs… only reducing the amount of sugar by about 20%. So don’t let’s waste precious time: let’s take off!

What do we need?

Quite simple:

  • butter
  • sugar & vanilla sugar
  • eggs
  • flour & baking powder
  • orange zest, orange juice & orange liqueur
  • dark chocolate flakes.

1st step: preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.

Oil the baking tin thoroughly – use a brush for distributing the oil!

Grate the orange zest & press the juice: mix it w/ the orange liqueur.

Cream the butter & the sugars w/ an electric handheld mixer. Add eggs & mix. Add flour & mix. Add orange mess & mix. Finally add the chocolate flakes.


Now there is a challenge (or not – if you’re familiar w/ hands-on piping…).

My piping bag equipment isn’t the newest, the best, the most efficient… I use it on rare occasions. So I decided to take a rough-and-ready approach: I looked for a plastic bag, filled the batter in & cut off a corner (I’m sure you’ve seen this sometimes in food shows on TV…).

It worked – ok, but it didn’t work so easily, so smoothly, so nicely as I expected…


For the record:
I looked for a new professional piping bag set, found one & added it to my kitchen equipment.



The results before & after the oven session (of about 20 min).



Voilà: Bundt cakes – bottom view & top view.


I was really happy that all of them popped out of the cake tin at once & trouble-free.



got a new toy!
My new toy delivers 6 small Bundt cakes at once: for testing the equipment I made simple vanilla cakes w/ orange flavour & chocolate.
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
  • 180 g butter
  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla sugar not heaped
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 60 g dark chocolate flakes
  • 1 organic orange zest & juice
  • 2 tbsp orange liqueur
  • a pinch of salt
  • some oil for the baking pan unflavoured OR lemon flavoured
for the icing:
  • 90 g dark chocolate
  • baking pan for 6 small Bundt cakes
  • electric handheld mixer
  • piping bag
how to:
  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C w/ fan.
  • Oil the baking pan carefully - use a brush.
  • Grate the orange zest & squeeze the juice.
  • Mix butter, sugar, vanilla sugar & salt w/ the electric handheld mixer until well combined.
  • Add eggs.
  • Add flour mixed w/ baking powder.
  • Finally fold in the orange zest, 2 tbsp of the orange juice & the orange liqueur.
  • Add chocolate flakes.
  • Use the piping bag to distribute the batter equally in the 6 Bundt cake moulds.
  • Let it bake for 20 min in the preheated oven.
  • Don’t forget the famous test w/ the wooden pin...
  • Let the small cakes cool own for about 5 min - then tip the baking pan carefully over & let the small Bundt cakes pop out.
  • Let them cool completely.
  • For the icing melt the chocolate in a bain-marie & distribute generously over the Bundt cakes.
You may store the cakes (covered) on your kitchen counter for at least 2 days. Afterwards you may store them in the fridge for 1-2 days.
Sorry: no experiences w/ freezing!


(information on equipment)


You may have noticed that the cake bottoms are sometimes somewhat uneven… Just cut them straight to sit straight.


Then melt some dark chocolate in a bain-marie & spoon all over the cakes.

You can easily cut a cake into handy size bites which will vanish sooner than you might think!


The businesswoman w/ too many office hours thinks

These little cakes look so cute!
I think you may stay w/ quite a simple approach for the batter – the form is just intriguing. Once covered w/ lots of chocolate or any other luxurious icing they are a real eye-catcher to make your mouth water
(…& they are so easy to produce!)