sweet delights

ice age – outdoors & indoors!

It’s pre-Xmas season & the temperatures drop – we even already had some snowflakes (lasting for about 6 h!). Time to think about some pre-Xmas & Xmas treats … I decided on the spur of the moment to create a combined winter-pre-Xmas&Xmas ice-cream! I imagined some vanilla white ice-cream w/ specks of dark chocolate, w/ the nutty flavour of roasted almonds & orange aroma … no cinnamon, no nutmeg, no cloves, no coriander, no gingerbread…

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savoury delights

how to do ham …

Over the years I created several posts about ham … Now we are approaching Xmas season – so I thought that some sort of roundup might be quite a good idea, because a delicious big chunk of ham is appropriate for any winter get-together if before Xmas, during Xmas or after Xmas. In general the process to create a ham dinner is always the same – so I’ll present 2 different results … one is…

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sweet delights

vanilla muffins w/ orange flavour

Summer is in its way … autumn will come. The sweetness of summer fruit may be preserved & create desserts for some months. It may be combined w/ fluffy muffins, plain vanilla muffins w/ intense orange flavour. That’s just what I tried to create. There is some red fruit compote – in Germany it’s called Rote Grütze. Some compote will end up on a bowl & a muffins will dive into this red deliciousness. Let’s…

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sweet delights

… from 2021 into 2022 w/ some small bundt cakes

A happy 2022 to all of you! I (resp my blog!) finally arrived in 2022 – w/ a recipe for small Bundt cakes I made somewhere between Xmas & New Year’s Day out of a spontaneous feeling. (So far you may deduce that I didn’t start any cooking or baking – ready for my blog – after New Year’s Day.) Somehow the little guys look very Xmas-sy with regard to the colors: chocolate brown, red…

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sweet delights

another carrot cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Naked cakes are in. Why? Quite easy: you only need to create some layers of cake & a delicious filling. Just distribute the filling over the cake layer, take the next cake layer & repeat. You don’t need to care for a final icing all around the cake or even elaborate decorations by using a piping bag – which is mostly the crucial point (at least in my view!).…

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savoury delights sweet delights

bread? sweet bread? cake?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I told you about Mastering Spice, a new book in my library. So I made the next try to recreate something out of the book. I stumbled over a recipe for an olive oil based loaf cake. The book is so organized that there is a main recipe & following there are some variations. I found the recipe for the olive oil cake loaf & a variation w/ additional…

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savoury delights

eoy 2019 & how to make orange sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Eoy 2019 … to clarify from the very beginning: I won’t try to predict any future by reading in tea leaves or – like here – watching boiling orange sauce – if the photo above may suggest anything like that to you. This post … well, there is only 1 (!) photo which I took in between my cooking adventure – because I never planned to cook any…

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sweet delights

orange cake w/ olive oil

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Last week I wrote about Odette Williams’ book „Simple Cake“ – now a recipe turned into life. Based on the olive oil cake w/ orange flavor I created my own version following the tips in the book.     The recipe defines cake for 2 rather small round cake pans – I used a larger springform. I made some rough calculation & decided that the area covered by…

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sweet delights

got a new toy!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   There are 6 small Bundt cakes coming out of my new toy – isn’t it great! Have a look at the gleaming new baking tin… Of course I had to test it asap! I stuck to the recipe attached to the packaging concerning the amounts of butter, flour, eggs… only reducing the amount of sugar by about 20%. So don’t let’s waste precious time: let’s take off!

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