savoury delights soups

sauerkraut soup

Ever tried a sauerkraut soup? Years ago I got myself involved in a moving adventure. It was some affair like starting in the 4th floor of an apartment house & ending up in the 3rd floor of another apartment house w/ lots of boxes, however, only few standard moving boxes, lots of baskets, suitcases etc. I assume all of you know what I’m talking about! (No lifts!!!) Then … suddenly in the mid of all hauling…

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savoury delights

royal potatoes

Royal potatoes aka gratin dauphinois aka potatoes dauphinois aka potatoes au gratin aka a creamy potato bake … Lots of names for one of the most delicious side dishes ever known! Le Dauphin used to be the title of the heir to the French throne for centuries … while dauphinois is related to the French region Dauphiné where this side dish originates. Dauphin is French for dolphin – a dolphin is part of the coat…

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savoury delights soups

lazy butternut stock

I had a fine butternut sitting on my kitchen desk for some days & decided to try an approach for a soup w/ lots of vegetables. I had some carrots, some frozen peas & some spring onions. What else? There was some bacon in my fridge & I thought it might be a fine add-on concerning the flavour. … & of course I had some of this dark green, intensive pumpkin seed oil for the…

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savoury delights

beef & wine … more wine!

I read about Boeuf Bourguignon in Julia Child’s cooking bible (in my cookbooks) & started thinking how to do it – a modest version of course. Instead of a dutch oven I decided to do it in my slow cooker meaning that I prepare the ingredients, put everything in my slow cooker & start the high temp program. Afterwards the slow cooker will sit in a corner on my kitchen counter daydreaming … no need…

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savoury delights

rough remoulade

A rough remoulade?It’s a self-made, handmade, home-made remoulade: everything is mixed w/ a spoon or an egg whip, chopped w/ my own hands … so it’s a little far away from any store-bought remoulade which tends to be more smooth … Despite all this handiwork it’s a fast remoulade, a simple approach which may present your very own idea of remoulade flavour. So let’s get started …

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savoury delights soups

showery weather soup: quick & dirty!

We are back in Germany! It’s October now & suddenly it’s rainy, cold, stormy – sometimes the sun reappears resulting in some warming feeling … but then suddenly the temperature drops again … & raindrops keep falling on your head. That’s exactly the time for a hot soup keeping you warm & comfortable! I remembered my very first approaches to create creamy pumpkin soup … so here’s the recipe for 4 small bowls of soft…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta, pesto, pecorino … meatballs!

… & my series of pasta dishes continues while we are still in Northern Spain! I learnt from Juls’ Kitchen that „pasta w/ meatballs“ originally isn’t Italian, but an American invention (same as for Alfredo, chicken parmigiano …), however, there’s also some pasta recipe from Jul’s granny creating very tiny meatballs. Inspired by this post I started my own version of pasta w/ meatballs. I managed to create some creamy pasta w/ lots of pesto…

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just pasta savoury delights

quick & dirty tortilla w/ potatoes or pasta

What is this all about? At the moment we are in Northern Spain near Barcelona … so the classic Spanish tortilla is part of the menus. I always liked tortilla since I made the 1st acquaintance of it in a holiday trip on Formentera – decades ago! So I unearthed my post on tortilla … which introduces also a tortilla w/ pasta! Let’s resume … I made a tortilla – straightforward (see photo on top).…

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savoury delights

courgettes in italian mode

We are still in Northern Spain … & there is a great offer of courgettes! So I remembered my post for courgettes in soffrito – no sooner said than done … (Although it’s an Italian recipe it’ll work fine in Spain.) Some time ago … my better half & I planned to do a roasted chicken … & I meditated on what to cook as a partner to the meat. Both of us opted for…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & fish: in-one-pot!

Another day – another approach to one-pot-pasta! Today we are dealing w/ pasta in a thickened mix of fish, tomatoes & onions flavoured w/ thyme. Even now in Northern Spain a one-pot-pasta dish is one of my favorites – because it’s so easy & there are only few ingredients … no issues w/ availability of more extraordinary input into my pan. In my oldest Italian pasta cookbook (Vincenzo Buonassisi’s Nudel & Nudel – have a…

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savoury delights

… obsessed w/ potatoes …

At the moment we are in Northern Spain … roast potatoes (or baked potatoes) are my all-time favorite – you may have noticed in my Instagram. When here or in Southern France I very often just prepared a baking tray w/ these absolutely delicious potatoes … I admit I prepare the roast potatoes in a simple way … & I start always w/ 1 kg because this fits nicely on a baking tray. Some olive…

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just pasta savoury delights

spaghetti quiche or what …

Every now & then I stumble across a recipe about a spaghetti tart or bake or … What I mean is a dish – served warm as well as cold – where cooked spaghetti are mixed with meat or vegetables or cheese or whatever & become covered by a mix of cream & eggs ready for a session in the oven. The result is some sort of quiche/tart/frittata … which may be cut into slices…

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salads savoury delights

oven-baked vegetables – leftovers …

What to do w/ leftovers? For a dinner event during weekend I prepared lots of oven-baked vegetables. It was delicious accompanied by some chicken filled w/ lemons & rosemary, a generous mix of fresh basil leaves & pressed garlic under the skin for especially flavoring the chicken breasts. (Maybe you think that the vegetables accompanied the chicken …) We all enjoyed the dinner …, however, some of the oven-baked vegetables remained on their plate afterwards…

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savoury delights

lemon flavoured mozzarella

Today there is another approach for a really refreshing mozzarella dip perfect for fresh baguette accompanied by crisp white wine. I found this recipe years ago at Jamie Oliver; during one of his TV shows he simply chopped & mixed everything. You know his casual style of cooking … which I really like! The result doesn’t look so spectacular, but it tastes like freshness, lightness, melting in your mouth!

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savoury delights

zucchini carpaccio

The Italians invented aperitivo. When staying in Milan as well as in Rome some years ago we were happy about aperitivo. It starts in late afternoon & let you have some wine or Spritz or cocktails together w/ a selection of savory bits & bites usually presented as a buffet. Until early evening you may indulge in drinks & food … You get prosciutto, salame, green & black olives, marinated vegetables, small tramezzini, pizza bits, salads ……

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