savoury delights soups

… more asian soup …

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The Fast & The Furious … Delicious – Asian style soups!

I created Asian flavored stock (see post) & realized some Asian soup based on my home-made version of Asian flavored stock: you see – all is getting very Asian & very fast. You remember that I always get a lot of stock – Asian flavored or not – so that I decided to blog about 2 more approaches to fast Asian soups.

We are dealing today with:

  • a mix of pork & egg & vegetables
  • a mix of shrimps & vegetables.

Let’s start!

What do we need for our Asian Shrimp Soup:

  • shrimps
  • snow peas
  • spring onions
  • rice noodles
  • Asian flavored stock.

We chop the vegetables & heat the stock.

We fry the shrimps in peanut oil w/ some pressed garlic & add the vegetables after 4-5 minutes & continue frying.

In the meantime we soak the rice noodles in the hot stock: pls refer to the cooking instruction on the packet for the exact time (it’s only some minutes!).

Now: dump the ingredients of your pan (or wok) in a bowl. Add the rice noodles on top.

Now fill the bowl w/ the hot stock … & enjoy!

Coming now to our Asian Pork Soup:

What do we need:

  • thin spaghetti
  • spring onions
  • 1 carrot
  • some mushrooms
  • pork (e. g. pork cutlet w/o bones)
  • 1 egg
  • a fresh chili pepper
  • Asian flavored stock.

… & again:

  1. Chop the vegetables & the meat.
  2. Heat the Asian flavored stock.
  3. Cook the spaghetti (about 5 min for thin spaghetti) & drain them.
  4. In the meantime fry the pork & the vegetables in peanut oil & add some common Chinese spices mix. (It shouldn’t take more than 5 – 10 min; the vegetables shall stay al dente.)
  5. Toss everything in a bowl. Add the drained spaghetti.


  1. In the still hot pan (or wok) crack the egg & fry it & stir to tear the set egg apart.
  2. Add the fried egg to the bowl covering the pork & the vegetables.
  3. Add hot Asian flavored stock.
  4. Finally sprinkle the chopped chili on top.

Once more: enjoy!

This is a short description for a slim process … Well: Asian style soup making is easy & fast – assumed you just have to go to your freezer & grab some frozen Asian stock …

All noodles used for the Asian soups don’t need more than some minutes of cooking or soaking in hot water/stock.

The typical Asian flavour comes w/ the Asian stock … i. e. the asian spices. (I’ll whistle-blow: you may also use any straightforward simple home-made stock as well as any ready-to-use stock from your trusted food store.)

These Asian style soups consist mainly of hard stuff & only few hot liquid around.

Generally the main idea is:

  • cook some noodles
  • fry some meat or seafood
  • fry some vegetables
  • add hot stock
  • enjoy immediately!

The meat should be fit for stir-frying; use any vegetables available you’ll use for a wok dish. Add some spices – maybe – to create an overall Asian flavor.

… more asian soup …
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
for the Asian shrimp soup:
  • 50 g rice noodles
  • 3 spring onions
  • 50 – 100 gr shrimps
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 50 gr snow peas
  • 1 tbsp peanut oil
  • 200 ml Asian flavored stock
for the Asian pork soup:
  • 75 g thin spaghetti
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 50 -100 g pork like pork cutlet w/o bones
  • 50 gr mushrooms
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 tsp Chinese spices mix
  • 200 ml Asian flavored stock
  • 1 fresh red chili
how to:
for the Asian shrimp soup:
  • Soak the rice noodles in hot Asian stock.
  • Chop the spring onions & the snow peas.
  • Fry the shrimps in peanut oil w/ pressed garlic.
  • Add spring onions & snow peas & fry for some more minutes.
  • Dump everything in a bowl.
  • Layer the rice noodles on top.
  • Add the hot Asian broth.
  • Serve immediately.
for the Asian pork soup:
  • Heat the Asian stock.
  • Cook the thin spaghetti, drain them & add sesame oil.
  • Chop pork, carrot, mushrooms & spring onions.
  • Fry the pork & the vegetables in peanut oil & add china spices mix.
  • Heap the spaghetti in a bowl.
  • Add the pork & the vegetables & arrange around the spaghetti.
  • Crack the egg in the pan, stir & tear apart.
  • Put the scrambled egg on top of pork & vegetables.
  • Add hot Asian flavored stock.
  • Sprinkle fresh chopped chili on top.
  • Serve immediately.
Cook Time: It’s more 15 min for the Asian pork soup.
Servings: For 2 people you’ll need 400 ml Asian broth i. e. 1 container w/ frozen broth. Double all the other ingredients as well.
Shrimps: You may use any type of „shrimps“ you like i. e. smaller or bigger from Northern or Southern oceans.
Spaghetti: You may use any Chinese or Japanese noodles which happen to sit in your pantry.
Cooking spaghetti: you may also cook the spaghetti in Asian broth. Be aware that you’ll need some more broth in this case.
Chinese spices mix: I used a ready-to-use mix available in my trusted food store caring for the typical Chinese flavour.
Any Asian style soup should be served at once & enjoyed at once!