sweet delights

lemon cake & moving … & winter blues

This winter we had an especially grey & dull time (my private experience). The sky was so grey (most of the time), the days were grey & filled w/ rain (too often), it was cold & humid about 5° C (… & sometimes below zero) – and we had some snow (for about 3 days!). I felt winter blues … In addition … after living in the Mediterranean area for most of 2023 I missed…

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savoury delights

toast & spinach & egg

Hungry? Crispy toast … a creamy spinach-cheese-bacon mess … a baked egg still soft … Sometimes when it’s only me & myself for lunch I like to prepare some simple toast: easy to assemble, fast to prepare, but appeasing my appetite w/o working like a stone in my stomach afterwards. (Furthermore these toasts are also welcome for my better half & me during weekend breakfasts … in varying designs.) All starts always w/ a nice…

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savoury delights

pears & roquefort

It’s time for another quiche. Some time ago I bought Meike Peters’ 365 The Cookbook. From the idea it’s covering a whole year w/ recipes – day by day. I’m pretty sure it was a huge challenge, but in the end this comprehensive book dedicated for home cooking emerged. I’m always a little vague concerning my approaches for the pastry shell of any quiche or tart. In general you can work w/ different pastry shells…

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savoury delights

vegetables & goat’s cheese sandwich

Here we go again. Another sandwich post. Today we create a classic sandwich w/ baked vegetables! Today there is no additional frying or so required – we rely on fresh bread & add-ons at room temperature. In my fridge some leftovers of baked vegetables chilled – so now they will end up in the sandwich. I worked with baked fennel, but you may also rely on any other baked delicacy like pepper or courgette or…

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… travelling 2023 …

The South … The Mediterranean Sea … (Photo above: Sérignan Plage) Last year, end of December my better half and me started a long trip into the South i. e. Southern France and Northern Spain. We had shut down our house (a rented spot) and packed everything in a big container to chill in a storage facility (of course after having cleaned up the spot where we lived for more than 20 years – try…

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savoury delights soups

basic beef broth – basic soup!

Let’s proceed to the next basic cooking event: a beef broth & some ideas on simple consommé … or light soups … just a bowl filled w/ hot broth & some vegetables you’d like for a weeknight snack! Why do I keep myself busy w/ producing a beef broth? In general I’d rely on my trusted food store where there are different ready-to-use stocks (available as beef, chicken, duck, lamb, vegetable …) … I’d grab…

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sweet delights

ice age – outdoors & indoors!

It’s pre-Xmas season & the temperatures drop – we even already had some snowflakes (lasting for about 6 h!). Time to think about some pre-Xmas & Xmas treats … I decided on the spur of the moment to create a combined winter-pre-Xmas&Xmas ice-cream! I imagined some vanilla white ice-cream w/ specks of dark chocolate, w/ the nutty flavour of roasted almonds & orange aroma … no cinnamon, no nutmeg, no cloves, no coriander, no gingerbread…

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sweet delights

it’s just bread & butter, milk & eggs

I came across this simple treat years ago when watching Jamie Oliver in one of his early TV shows: Panettone in a bread & butter pudding provides a flavorful basis loaded with raisins & candied lemons & candied oranges  – so you only need to add eggs & milk & … I started w/ a medium size panettone of about 500 g bought in my trusted food store. At first I thought about using the whole…

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sur le pont …

This is the famous Le Pont d’Avignon – although the original name is Le Pont Saint-Bénézet. Also originally the bridge crossed 2 arms of Le Rhône and a small island in between – today only 4 of 22 arches are left. The bridge ends at the fortification wall – still complete – encircling Old Town Avignon at one of the gates heavily guarded in the past. The walled city is undisturbed disregard any new buildings resp.…

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savoury delights

the long story of hummus & me

It was on a birthday party night when I tried hummus for the very 1st time … everybody seemed enthralled by hummus, the new star of dip paradise. Well, hmmm … I wasn’t fond of hummus at all. It was tasteless & mealy. Okay: it was many years ago … the hummus era had just started. I always give any innovations in food universe a 2nd go – or even a 3rd go, or a…

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looking back … ubud & serenity 2019

As you already know my better half & I stayed in Bali for about 3 weeks. We made our home aka base of operations in Ubud. The photo above shows the view from our terrace. … & below there is a view of Ubud’s street life: scooters, cars, more scooters, lost tourists on narrow foot-walks … Well … I estimate that there are at least 5 – 10 scooters per car. Ubud: what is all…

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salads savoury delights

green peas & green spinach leaves

It’s mid of November: all over the internet food blogs indulge in Xmas cookies, Xmas cakes, Xmas whatever – Xmas dinner suggestions didn’t surface until now. I’m not so ready for this Xmas business at the moment … I think some fresh & easy to prepare weeknight dinner is also appropriate. I also didn’t start any Xmas baking so far. I’m not in Xmas mood so early in November – although everywhere in food stores…

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looking back … bali & its temples 2019

In October 2019 we went for 3 weeks to Bali & enjoyed each day of our holiday. We stayed near Ubud in a gorgeous small resort & started day trips all over the island from our basecamp. We visited temples & even more temples & rice terraces & beaches & of course Ubud … It was a holiday for relaxing & chilling out nevertheless fully packed exploring Bali’s culture. Most impressive? I think Bali’s temples…

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savoury delights soups

next try: pumpkin soup

All started w/ a pumpkin, a superb Hokkaido. (As you might know by now Hokkaido is my favorite pumpkin – next comes butternut.) In my trusted food store I got a Hokkaido of 1600 g which resulted in 1350 g after trimming & scraping out the seeds & the soft mess. What to do w/ such a lot of pumpkin? For a start I decided to bake the Hokkaido in my oven – only w/ some…

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