sweet delights

oranges in cake

I told you that I got a new toy. For my 1st baking adventure I stuck to the rules, however, now it’s time to adjust. At least a little! So: What are oranges in cake? For the orange I worked with: (Of course you may substitute orange juice for orange liqueur, although he flavor will change a little.) … & what is the ultimate partner of orange flavor? It’s dark chocolate. The result was simply…

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sweet delights

apple cake & a new toy

Since Xmas I have a new toy: a new baking tin. It’s a classic one concerning the size, however, there is no non-stick coating. So I studied the instruction & decided to work exactly as recommended – meaning to use butter generously for the baking tin & finish w/ flour. (To prevent becoming this last step a mess I worked over my sink when adding the flour, shaking the baking tin & turning it upside…

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sweet delights

… from 2021 into 2022 w/ some small bundt cakes

A happy 2022 to all of you! I (resp my blog!) finally arrived in 2022 – w/ a recipe for small Bundt cakes I made somewhere between Xmas & New Year’s Day out of a spontaneous feeling. (So far you may deduce that I didn’t start any cooking or baking – ready for my blog – after New Year’s Day.) Somehow the little guys look very Xmas-sy with regard to the colors: chocolate brown, red…

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sweet delights

clafoutis w/ morellos

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. It was beginning of autumn when I tried a clafoutis w/ cherries i. e. morello cherries. Of course there weren’t any more morello cherries in the market so I relied on a jar filled w/ already pitted morellos (only slightly sugared!). Morellos are great in a clafoutis, however, I think you may also work w/ plums or blueberries or raspberries … More coming soon – at least in my…

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sweet delights

blueberry lemon cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Back from our holiday trip to the wild coast of the Netherlands … It’s time for some cake. A summer cake. I made this cake before we started towards the ocean. It was a little sweet something only for my better half & me when having our after dinner espresso. (Or for me at breakfast accompanying my bowl filled w/ fruit.) Of course there was some sort of inspiration:…

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savoury delights

stocking up on tomato sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. This photo w/ fresh pasta & my home-made tomato sauce is real & up-to-date w/ this post. It is one of the most trivial photos in the food blogging universe (I think). It is simple: apart from cooking pasta – I always use classic Italian pasta made only from flour (durum wheat) & water – you only need a good tomato sauce & all is fine. A photo presenting…

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sweet delights

team red meets yogurt

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I admit: I’m in the middle of the characteristic spring tsunami cheered for by any food blogs at their pulse of life – it’s all about rhubarb, strawberries, asparagus, wild garlic … These are the main ingredients for any food – if cooked, if baked, if unprocessed – filling the recipes of food blogs at the moment. Ok – most of the bunch are seasonal. (I don’t buy any…

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sweet delights

rhubarb ricotta rectangle

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Rhubarb appeared – finally – in the market resp. in the fruit & vegetable corner of my trusted food store. Since some years I’m a rhubarb fan. (I admit that I wasn’t fond of rhubarb when I was a child, a teenager etc. – old habits die hard: so it took me some years to appreciate rhubarb.) I like the fresh young stems – especially the slim ones of…

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savoury delights

parmigiana di melanzane between lasagne sheets

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – Advertising. Some time ago on her blog eat in my kitchen Meike Peters (I wrote about her books) presented a perfect recipe for parmigiana di melanzane. I decided to try it & announced likewise alongside. My better half, not a real aubergine lover, thought about it & asked if we might add some pasta … So I grabbed not only aubergines, tomato sauce & cheese, but also some lasagne sheets…

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sweet delights

another apple cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. This is just another apple cake, but it’s a very soft & fluffy & crumbly & juicy apple cake prepared in a loaf tin. The top is crispy when leaving the oven & will stay so for at least 24 h. Afterwards … it gets soft. No worries – the cake is still delicious. I think that the cake is independent from weather. When I did the baking it…

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sweet delights

out of the moment spice cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are still approaching Xmas – the ultimate time of the year for baking! It happened that I suddenly on an afternoon thought about baking … some cake? So I checked my kitchen, the pantry, the fridge … Fortunately I’ve always got some supplies on flour, sugar, eggs & all the trimmings of baking like baking powder, vanilla extract etc. Aside from that … Some days ago I…

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sweet delights

pumpkin #2: bread

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   You remember? I started w/ a big Hokkaido pumpkin which I baked in the oven – just adding some olive oil & salt & pepper. Afterwards I had a bowl filled w/ smooth pumpkin bits which could be mashed easily by help of a fork. My plan was … creating a sweet yeast braid w/ pumpkin mash mixed into the dough. Of course it didn’t work out as…

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savoury delights

roulade w/ mediterranean touch

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s summer time. All people think about BBQ dreaming of perfect sausages & steaks – or whatever. Also substantial or less substantials salads are in vogue. Nobody thinks about a roast … in a kitchen … needing long hours … However, I bought a beef package (100% organic) processed from happy cows somewhere in Bavaria weeks ago. All portions went straight in our freezer. Amongst others there were…

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sweet delights

little red fruit cakes everywhere

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Do you like binge watching? We – my better half & I – do. We liked binge watching as soon as TV series appeared via DVD boxes & more than ever as soon as streaming became a commodity. During Corona times when everything (aka cinema, theaters, concert halls …) is closed streaming & binge watching is manifest.   For the record: I always was annoyed when there was…

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sweet delights

2 bowls & 1 cake w/ ricotta cream

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   To make this cake I only used 2 bowls. Honestly, I hate dishwashing … especially when there is any china or bowls or pots or whatever which doesn’t fit in our dishwasher. (We only work w/ a slim 45 cm dishwasher.) So I always try to minimize the number of any equipment when cooking or baking. For this simple cake I was fine w/ only 2 bowls. The…

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