sweet delights

clafoutis w/ morellos

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It was beginning of autumn when I tried a clafoutis w/ cherries i. e. morello cherries. Of course there weren’t any more morello cherries in the market so I relied on a jar filled w/ already pitted morellos (only slightly sugared!).

Morellos are great in a clafoutis, however, I think you may also work w/ plums or blueberries or raspberries … More coming soon – at least in my home.

When looking for a recipe I found many. Finally I decided to relate to Julia Child’s masterpiece which seemed to present the original recipe.

Today when approaching Xmas I think that a clafoutis w/ cherries (or whatever) is a perfect winter dessert …

Clafoutis is a quick dessert although it cannot prepared beforehand. It’s best when just leaving the oven after some minutes of cooling down. It should be warm when served.

(Okay – my better half & I had it not only as recommended, but also a little later … (in the evening, next day …). I stored the clafoutis at room temperature & it was fine. At 1st the clafoutis was fluffy & soft, then it settled & got a texture like custard. You may also store it in the fridge …)

Let’s start!

What do we need?

  • milk
  • eggs
  • fine sugar
  • vanilla sugar
  • all-purpose flour
  • morello cherries.

We start w/ preheating the oven to 160° C fan.

Furthermore we grab a baking tin – I used my new square baking tin. I added a drop of oil to the baking tin & fitted some baking parchment covering the bottom. In general a fine idea – but the batter is very runny & likes to underflow the baking parchment. For the next time: forget any baking parchment – it’ll work out fine w/o when using a non-stick baking tin.

Whisk the milk & the eggs. Add the sugars & go on whisking …

Add the flour & whisk. Unfortunately lumps are forming – so I used my handheld electric mixer to get an even & smooth batter. (You may also start from the beginning w/ the help of your mixer.)

About 1/4 of the batter marches into the baking tin.

The baking tin marches into the preheated oven for about 5 min. The batter seems to be settled after that.

Now add the cherries …

… & pour the rest of the batter on top.

After about 45 min the oven at 160° C fan the clafoutis is ready.

Sprinkle it w/ some icing sugar.


clafoutis w/ morellos
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
Servings: 4
  • 275 ml milk
  • 60 g fine sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 70 g all-purpose flour
  • 370 g morello cherries (pitted – 1 jar)
  • 1 tsp icing sugar
  • square baking tin (20 x 20 cm)
  • handheld electric mixer
how to:
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C fan.
  • Oil the square baking tin.
  • Mix the milk & eggs w/ an egg whisk or w/ your handheld electric mixer. Then add sugar, vanilla sugar & salt; finally incorporate the flour. (Use the electric mixer at this step to avoid lumps.)
  • Drain the morello cherries.
  • Add about ¼ of the dough to the tart form & bake for about 5 min.
  • Add the morello cherries & the rest of the dough; bake for about 45 min.
  • Dust w/ icing sugar.
Cook Time: If you think the clafoutis is too soft after 45 min in the oven just add another 5-10 min.
Serve at once after the oven session or store the clafoutis at room temperature. (You may even store it in the fridge – it’s an interesting version!)

(information on equipment)