sweet delights

autumn apple cake – french approach

We are back in Germany – a cold Germany compared to our weeks in Southern France. After having settled down again in our home I thought about what to cook and to bake – and I decided to do an apple cake. Also because there are beautiful fresh and juicy apples around now – crispy and sour which is fine for an apple cake. (Of course three of these Boskoop beauties were too much for…

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sweet delights

what to do w/ homemade apricot jam?

I made lots of apricot jam during summer. Of course it’s absolutely delicious to have some homemade apricot jam on your fresh roll or croissant or crispy toast or soft French bread or … nevertheless what else can you do w/ the jam? So I started surfing … I thought about something like a cake or a tart or … whatever. It’s end of summer now, but there are still wonderful fresh apricots around us…

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sweet delights

chocolate cake & the importance of eating healthy

This is a chocolate cake. A simple chocolate loaf.(It’s a chocolate cake w/ chopped pistachios which are optional.) Is this a healthy cake? Maybe you’ve already made an educated guess … This isn’t a brand-new post – I published it about 4 years ago. Then I’d like to present a recipe for chocolate cake & some insights – my very own! – about healthy food in general & especially about posts featuring the It-word healthy.…

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sweet delights

limoncello muffins

As always during the last weeks I’m in a hurry because of the endless preparations for our planned move. Nevertheless I need to empty my pantry … so baking some sweet delight is always on my agenda. When checking my pantry I found a bottle of limoncello – this very nice Italian lemon liqueur. The bottle was almost empty, but … soon I had the idea of some muffins w/ limoncello. A quick affair. No…

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sweet delights

vanilla muffins w/ orange flavour

Summer is in its way … autumn will come. The sweetness of summer fruit may be preserved & create desserts for some months. It may be combined w/ fluffy muffins, plain vanilla muffins w/ intense orange flavour. That’s just what I tried to create. There is some red fruit compote – in Germany it’s called Rote Grütze. Some compote will end up on a bowl & a muffins will dive into this red deliciousness. Let’s…

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sweet delights

yoghurt & cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I’m still in my rhubarb mania although slowly the rhubarb season comes to an end. Nevertheless I noted that this year there is especially fine rhubarb in the market – lots of it. On the other hand I’m also still in my loaf cake mania: so I thought about combining both passions. Concerning loaf cakes I came across some recipes using yoghurt … so I tried a version w/…

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sweet delights

it’s xmas – it’s panettone time!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This season I decided to bake my 1st panettone. My inspiration came from Meike Peters’ 365 giving me a basic recipe to start with. Of course I made some changes – mainly, I didn’t work w/ grated orange zest & chocolate, but w/ vanilla extract & a mix of raisins & candied orange & lemon peel.   For the record: It is a panettone based on yeast dough.…

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sweet delights

out of the moment spice cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are still approaching Xmas – the ultimate time of the year for baking! It happened that I suddenly on an afternoon thought about baking … some cake? So I checked my kitchen, the pantry, the fridge … Fortunately I’ve always got some supplies on flour, sugar, eggs & all the trimmings of baking like baking powder, vanilla extract etc. Aside from that … Some days ago I…

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sweet delights

pumpkin #2: bread

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   You remember? I started w/ a big Hokkaido pumpkin which I baked in the oven – just adding some olive oil & salt & pepper. Afterwards I had a bowl filled w/ smooth pumpkin bits which could be mashed easily by help of a fork. My plan was … creating a sweet yeast braid w/ pumpkin mash mixed into the dough. Of course it didn’t work out as…

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sweet delights

little red fruit cakes everywhere

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Do you like binge watching? We – my better half & I – do. We liked binge watching as soon as TV series appeared via DVD boxes & more than ever as soon as streaming became a commodity. During Corona times when everything (aka cinema, theaters, concert halls …) is closed streaming & binge watching is manifest.   For the record: I always was annoyed when there was…

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sweet delights

cake & fruit & more

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This is another recipe from my winter blues phase …   For the record: Now we are living in the Corona era feeding us w/ new challenges – so my winter blues phase seems null & void.   Coming back to the baking … It is a cheesecake, however, not the American style w/ cream cheese or the fluffy style w/ lots of whipped cream or the no-bake…

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sweet delights

a fresh fruit loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   A cake loaf w/ fresh fruit… This isn’t my 1st try. To be honest: my overall experience is that a cake w/ fresh fruit likes to collapse due to too much fresh fruit – or to be flavorless & dry due to the lack of enough fresh fruit. Therefore I’m always skeptical when folding in fresh fruit into batter. (More than once recipes in books/blogs proved incorrect!). However,…

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sweet delights

an orange & ricotta loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m still in my loaf cake mania… & I made progress in my test series… What’s new? I made a ricotta loaf w/ orange flavour.     …& I topped it off w/ chocolate icing!   For the record: At first I tried to do a ganache, but it didn’t work out as I anticipated. You may know by now when having followed my blog that „me &…

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sweet delights

a simple vanilla loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Why is it so difficult to bake a simple loaf cake? This is an earnest question because during the last months when trying to get a simple – or rather „a rather simple“ – loaf cake it ended in some more or less small disaster. So I decided to start a test series. However, for the moment admire my perfect result for a vanilla loaf: I didn’t fiddle…

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sweet delights

winter cakes

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Xmas is gone – all people think about how to lose weight & how to detox & how to… whatever. Before Xmas there were loads of recipes for cakes & cookies & all types of sweet stuff all over the food blog universe – although I didn’t post such a lot in the pre-Xmas Time. Now I think it’s time to look outside, take note of winter season,…

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