salads savoury delights

what to do w/ burrata?

This morning end of July summer decided to show off once again w/ sun & an endless blue sky – after experiencing some really rainy days during the last week resp. weekend. So I thought salad might be a good choice for dinner … I happened to have fresh salad leaves in my fridge together w/ some burrata as well. So let’s gor for a fresh & light meal tonight. We’ve got a green component,…

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savoury delights

rough remoulade

A rough remoulade?It’s a self-made, handmade, home-made remoulade: everything is mixed w/ a spoon or an egg whip, chopped w/ my own hands … so it’s a little far away from any store-bought remoulade which tends to be more smooth … Despite all this handiwork it’s a fast remoulade, a simple approach which may present your very own idea of remoulade flavour. So let’s get started …

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salads savoury delights

oven-baked vegetables – leftovers …

What to do w/ leftovers? For a dinner event during weekend I prepared lots of oven-baked vegetables. It was delicious accompanied by some chicken filled w/ lemons & rosemary, a generous mix of fresh basil leaves & pressed garlic under the skin for especially flavoring the chicken breasts. (Maybe you think that the vegetables accompanied the chicken …) We all enjoyed the dinner …, however, some of the oven-baked vegetables remained on their plate afterwards…

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savoury delights

zucchini carpaccio

The Italians invented aperitivo. When staying in Milan as well as in Rome some years ago we were happy about aperitivo. It starts in late afternoon & let you have some wine or Spritz or cocktails together w/ a selection of savory bits & bites usually presented as a buffet. Until early evening you may indulge in drinks & food … You get prosciutto, salame, green & black olives, marinated vegetables, small tramezzini, pizza bits, salads ……

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savoury delights

ham & beer & vegetables & gravy

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Xmas is finally coming – mightily. I always try to ignore the early – very early, far too early – signs of Xmas starting to appear about mid of September. It’s mainly in your trusted food store & other shops where suddenly there are shelves filled w/ Xmas cookies, gingerbread, Xmas chocolate, chocolate Santas, Advent calendars … I never can deal w/ this when it’s about 25° C…

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salads savoury delights

leftover mess w/ greens…

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   How to start? In one of my new cookbooks I found a short recipe. It’s Giulia Scarpaleggia’s cookbook from her food blog Jul’s Kitchen about the markets of Tuscany. The recipe describes a nice snack for happy hour or as a side dish for dinner… The main ingredients are bread, wine & cheese.     So I remembered this approach when thinking about a light dinner. I had…

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