salads savoury delights

what to do w/ burrata?

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2019 is almost finished. We are in this time of the year between Xmas holidays & New Year’s celebrations when nobody is quite sure about the weekday, the fridge is full & empty at the same time – it’s leftover feasting.

Everybody indulged in too many Xmas treats, if sweet, if savory. So now I thought it’s time to add some fresh, quick salad to our meal plan.



We’ve got a green component, a meat component & a cheese component …
Cheese: I relied on burrata, the little creamy sibling of mozzarella.

What do we need & what do we need to do?

We start w/ some fresh mixed salad leaves.

Clean them, trim them, dry them in a salad spinner & add some finely chopped spring onions.



Grab a wonderful burrata, skip the liquid& let it rest for a moment.



Then the meat … I had wonderful Italian prosciutto crudo very thinly sliced.



I prepared a dressing out of olive oil, balsamic vinegar & sweet French mustard (shake, baby shake!).

The dressing marched in the salt bowl & was thoroughly mixed w/ the salad leaves & the chopped spring onions.



We are 2 of us – so I arranged the salad leaves on 2 plates.
(From now on you’ll one of the plates!)



Next step: Pull the prosciutto crudo in pieces & arrange on top of the plates resp. the salad leaves.



Next step: Now pull the burrata in pieces & arrange on top.
Be careful because burrata is very soft & creamy & runny …








what to do w/ burrata?
Prep Time15 minutes
Servings: 2
  • 125 g mixed salad leaves
  • 1 - 2 spring onions
  • 80 g prosciutto crudo like Parma ham, prosciutto di San Daniele, Serrano ham ... - thinly sliced!
  • 1 burrata (about 100 g)
for the dressing:
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp sweet French mustard
how to:
  • Clean & trim the salad leaves.
  • Chop the spring onion & mix w/ the salad leaves.
  • Put all ingredients for the dressing in your shaker & shake.
  • Mix salad leaves & dressing; distribute the salad mess evenly on 2 plates.
  • Pull the prosciutto crudo to pieces & distribute all over the salad leaves.
  • Pull the burrata to pieces & distribute all over the salad leaves & the prosciutto crudo.
  • Serve at once & add some fresh baguette.
Burrata:  Careful - burrata is very soft & especially creamy inside. It’ll be a little mess to pull the burrata to pieces.
Salad leaves, prosciutto & burrata: It’s up to you how much salad leaves, prosciutto & burrata you’ll like to use. I started w/ 125 g salad leaves for 2 plates & had 40 g prosciutto & 1/2 burrata for each plate.


(information on equipment)