
looking back … the art of lounging in rhodes 2021

All of you may have noticed by now that in 2021 my better half & I went to Rhodes … unfortunately only for a week! What did we plan to do? We planned to relax, to enjoy delicious food, to swim, to do some sightseeing … It is always difficult, especially when only on holidays for a week, to do all the things you plan – and normally you even dream about more. Furthermore all…

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looking back … old town rhodes 2021

My better half & I went to Rhodes for a week – only a week. We stayed at a gorgeous resort on the east coast relaxing, swimming (in the pools – only gravel beaches), enjoying wine & cocktails & excellent Greek food. Of course we made a trip to Rhodes, the city … roaming Old Town Rhodes. Old Town Rhodes, a car-free area (concerning non-residents), surrounded by strong walls … Our navigation system tried to…

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