sweet delights

carrot cake w/ cream cheese frosting

I remember my very 1st true carrot cake: it was during a USA holiday trip many years ago somewhere in Northern California in a small diner – rather late in the evening – when it turned out that only carrot cake was left for dessert. It wasn’t a simple cake it was a 3-layer structure w/ lots of frosting & minced walnuts … it was just delicious! To set the record straight from the beginning:This…

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sweet delights

jam season: strawberry & raspberry / pineapple & lemon!

It’s summer & it’s jam season … (There are years … I missed this somehow!) So for jam season I tried a mix of strawberries w/ raspberries & lemon (zest & juice!). It turned out to be a very, very red jam w/ a sharp edge of lemon flavour! I started like: … & afterwards I tried a slightly other mix which led to a more orange-red jam: So let’s prepare some summer jam …

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sweet delights

rhubarb tart: soft & creamy!

We’ll create a tart – soft, but slightly sour rhubarb surrounded by a lemony cheesecake filling on top of a juicy crumbling crust: dig in … & once in your mouth all will melt into a soft sweet & sour mess … Rhubarb season started some weeks ago. When working on my blog I stumbled across this recipe for a rhubarb tart – now updated, however, as delicious as some years ago. In a nutshell:…

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just pasta savoury delights

it’s summer: lemon pasta … also in the south …

Pasta & summer: it’s an excellent combination because pasta is an easy dish convenient for all these warm summer nights when sitting outside w/ a glass of wine longing for some easy, but substantial food – which wouldn’t keep you in the kitchen for too long. It’s also one of my favourite pasta dishes in the south if Southern France or Northern Spain (where we are now!). The main challenge sometimes seems to be to…

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sweet delights

summer & heat … lemons & ice cream!

My better half & I: we are back home. So I’m back on my blog. For 3 weeks we lived in France – holidays in Brittany. While it was about 20-25° C as expected for beginning of June, temperatures skyrocketed up to 35° C during our last week. When back home – surprise! – the next heat wave approached … So I decided that we’ll need ice cream … to survive. I thought about a…

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sweet delights

sweet … with raisins …

If working w/ yeast you need patience. In general I’m meticulous & patient, however, anything w/ yeast never had any priority in my kitchen. When in business & working for too many office hours, handling yeast – meaning to allow the yeast to work for some hours – isn’t so hip. (I think you get it: I’ve always been more the Jamie-Oliver-Nigella-Bill-Granger-Donna-Hay fan!) Nevertheless time & again … Recently I stumbled across a promising &…

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sweet delights

a cake disaster … turning into a delicious butter-sugar-almond affair

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I stumbled across the idea for this recipe in Mimi Thorissons’s cookbook. It sounded nice & delicious & I thought it would be fine w/ my espressos (you know that I’m addicted to espresso!). So for my next shopping I made a mental note to buy an organic lemon as well as dry yeast … & some almond flakes. The rest would be waiting in my fridge resp.…

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sweet delights

handmade german spritzgebäck (out of a moment)

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   German Spritzgebäck is part of Xmas – has always been. At least for me.   For the record: I know a trusted pastry shop making 1st class Spritzgebäck w/ & w/o chocolate. Full stop.   When roaming food blogs last week – which are full of Xmas baking ideas at the moment (it’s like an avalanche overwhelming you) – I suddenly stumbled over a recipe for straightforward Spritzgebäck ……

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sweet delights

super-moist rhubarb cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I like loaf cakes. They are so versatile. There are the classic ones like vanilla cake, marble cake, chocolate cake… There are the fruity ones where you just add apples or cherries or …whatever – not to mention the ones w/ dried fruit… & finally every loaf may be covered by icing if a mix of chocolate & cream, if a sugar icing flavoured by lemon or orange…

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salads savoury delights

cold asparagus pasta

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Look at this! There is a bed of creamy pasta salad w/ a hint of lemon. All over the salad there are sweet fresh tomatoes & lots of fried green asparagus still al dente & hearty… & on top we’ve some Parmesan adding a salty edge.     The pasta is creamy although I didn’t use too much dressing. Normally I prefer some mayonnaise for any pasta salad because pasta like…

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savoury delights sweet delights

thyme & lemon – sweet & savory

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Shortbread time: we are approaching sweet & savory shortbread today – both linked by the flavours of lemon & thyme. Twice we’ll get these wonderful crumbly texture of shortbread almost melting in our mouths… once together w/ coffee (or espresso!), once w/ wine or long drinks…     The procedure doesn’t change: shortbread is shortbread is shortbread…

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