
looking back … paris 2018

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Contemplating the classic columns you might think … No – it’s not Athens – it’s the church La Madeleine in Paris!

We made a spontaneous trip to Paris to greet the New Year 2018. New Year’s Day morning on Place de la Concorde:

Well, now it’s mid of summer … but I just noticed some photos on Instagram of a rainy Paris! (Although it’s summer at more than 30° C in Southern France & Northern Spain Central Europe seems to experience some lower temperatures & rain …) So I decided to update this post on a short trip to Paris.

On New Year’s Eve there was blue sky – unfortunately clouding over during the next hours until it started raining. Nevertheless some impressions of the quarter around La Madeleine.

… when our energy ran out while roaming the boulevards there were lots of cafés, brasseries …

The church La Madeleine (of course under renovation) …

… and its splendour inside!

A view from La Madeleine towards La Place de la Concorde

Some details of the boulevards …

… and finally some delicacies …

… also some savory delights…