savoury delights

tomato tart

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I wrote about this tomato tart some years ago … & in the meantime I made a lot of tarts similar to this very 1st approach. So now I like to re-write the recipe based on my experiences so far.

Additionally … at the moment I like quick & dirty (aka easy!) dishes for my life in Southern France. One of my experiences is – at the moment – that a small kitchen w/ a limited set of kitchen appliances restricts the possibilities for cooking & baking. (More about this trouble later on the blog!) So let’s stay w/ simple solutions for now!

A tomato tart – resp. any savory tart – isn’t finger food although it’s perfect for nibbling. It may pass for a complete meal although merely a simple one. A tart is ready to be eaten straight from the oven, after having cooled off a little (or a little more) or next day after having stayed overnight in the fridge – w/ or w/o re-heating.

So how to prepare such an all-rounder?

For a start: What do we need?

There aren’t so many ingredients:

  • pastry
  • eggs
  • crème fraîche
  • grated Gruyère
  • dried herbs of Provence
  • tomato pesto
  • fresh tomatoes.

Then: How to proceed?

We start w/ an empty tart pan slightly greased w/ some drops of olive oil – & of course w/ preheating the oven to 160° C fan.

I used a store-bought ready-to-use pastry which I only had to fit into the tart pan.

You may also use a store-bought flour mix which you’ll only need to mix with warm water, to knead it & to roll it into a flat circle which should cover the tart pan. Of course you may also start from scratch when there is enough time …

Mix eggs & crème fraîche w/ an egg whip. Add salt & pepper. Finally add the grated Gruyère cheese – I always like to buy a piece of Gruyère cheese & grate it by myself. It’s a quick job – rather big shavings are fine because it’ll easily melt away.

Add the dried herbs of Provence … If you like you may also add chopped chives or chopped basil to the egg mix – or any fresh Mediterranean herbs hanging out on your window sill.

I worked w/ small colored tomatoes & cut them into rather thin slices.

Also I bought a jar of tomato pesto in my trusted food store. The pesto is basically a mix of crushed tomatoes, dried tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, onions, herbs & Parmigiano Reggiano. (Of course you may also create your own tomato pesto … Combine ripe tomatoes & lots of Mediterranean herbs & lots of garlic … cook it … until a rather thick mess comes out. Always add some Italian (or French) cheese.)

Just distribute the tomato pesto evenly over the pastry.

Then spoon carefully the eggs-crème fraîche-Gruyère mix over the pesto. The mix is „very“ fluid! (The red pesto oil forces its way to the surface – just ignore it!)

Finally cover the surface carefully with the tomato slices. Carefully: the slices shall stay visibly on top!

Then put the pan in the preheated oven for about 40 min.

… and this is the tomato tart!


tomato tart
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
Servings: 12 slices
for the pastry:
  • 1 quiche pastry
  • some drops of olive oil
for the filling:
  • 150 g crème fraîche
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 tsp herbs of Provence (dried)
  • 50 g Gruyere (grated)
  • 190 g tomato pesto (1 jar / store-bought & ready-to-use)
  • about 15 small red & yellow tomatoes
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
  • tart / quiche pan (Ø 28 cm)
  • egg whip
how to:
  • Preheat the oven (160° C fan).
  • Prepare the pastry as defined & roll out as thin as possible.
  • Add some drops of olive oil to the pan & distribute evenly.
  • Transfer the pastry into the pan, press slightly around the edge & cut off all overhanging pastry.
  • Cut the tomatoes in thin slices.
  • Grate the Gruyère (roughly) – if not already grated when bought.
  • Mix the eggs with the creme fraiche w/ an egg whip & add salt & pepper.
  • Add the herbs of Provence & the grated Gruyère – mix w/ a spoon.
  • Spoon the tomato pesto onto the pastry & distribute evenly.
  • Spoon the egg mix carefully onto the pesto.
  • Scatter the tomato slices carefully on top.
  • Put the tomato tart in the preheated oven for about 40 min.
Pastry: You may either use a store-bought & ready-to-use pastry or you may work w/ a store-bought flour mix , which doesn’t require any additional idle periods for the dough to develop or you may start from scratch. (Concerning the last case: take into account that you’ll need additional time for preparing the pastry!)
Eggs: It’s either 3 big eggs or 4 small eggs.
Gruyère: Instead of Gruyère you may also use Parmigiano Reggiano (finely grated). You may grate the cheese yourself or work w/ store-bought grated cheese.
Tomato pesto: Instead of store-bought tomato pesto you may also use homemade pesto.
The tomato tart may be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. Re-heat in the microwave.
The tomato tart may also be frozen.