sweet delights

the square cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I bought a new baking tin. Of course I already own some baking tins … you’ve met them whenever I’m baking (springforms & loaf tins, a Bundt cake pan, tart forms …), but nevertheless you always stumble across a new product. Since several months I’m intrigued by simple flat cakes – rectangular shaped – which can be cut into nice small pieces. A baking tray is too big &…

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sweet delights

blueberry lemon cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Back from our holiday trip to the wild coast of the Netherlands … It’s time for some cake. A summer cake. I made this cake before we started towards the ocean. It was a little sweet something only for my better half & me when having our after dinner espresso. (Or for me at breakfast accompanying my bowl filled w/ fruit.) Of course there was some sort of inspiration:…

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sweet delights

yoghurt & cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. I’m still in my rhubarb mania although slowly the rhubarb season comes to an end. Nevertheless I noted that this year there is especially fine rhubarb in the market – lots of it. On the other hand I’m also still in my loaf cake mania: so I thought about combining both passions. Concerning loaf cakes I came across some recipes using yoghurt … so I tried a version w/…

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savoury delights

it’s asparagus & more w/ hollandaise sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Voilà – our dinner! We had magnificent green asparagus w/ fresh potatoes & Italian ham … topped w/ some dollops of home-made hollandaise sauce. Of course it isn’t difficult nor stressful to prepare asparagus & potatoes as well as to arrange some boiled ham on a plate. The crucial challenge is the hollandaise sauce. For the record:There is always the option to buy a ready-to-use hollandaise sauce. I admit…

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sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. It all started with … watching Brigderton starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021. My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series. During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021…

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sweet delights

cake & fruit & more

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This is another recipe from my winter blues phase …   For the record: Now we are living in the Corona era feeding us w/ new challenges – so my winter blues phase seems null & void.   Coming back to the baking … It is a cheesecake, however, not the American style w/ cream cheese or the fluffy style w/ lots of whipped cream or the no-bake…

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sweet delights

rhubarb season – rhubarb bake!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   We are mid of rhubarb season & it’s time for me to add some new rhubarb dessert experience. I thought of some combination of baked rhubarb w/ lots of thickened rhubarb juice & some light cake…     For the record: The dessert is also known as cobbler in the English hemisphere. In general it’s a thick layer of fresh fruit covered by a thin layer of batter…

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