sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

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It all started with …

  • watching Brigderton
  • starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021.

My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series.

During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021 I examined my resources concerning herbs, spice, any baking ingredients … & I found rests of candied peel (orange as well as lemon). You know that these will get very sticky … when not used in time. So I decided to create something with them.

Fortunately I noticed a recipe from Jul’s Kitchen dealing w/ a loaf pound cake based on mascarpone w/ candied peel & freshly grated ginger. So I decided to try this recipe.

Coming back to Bridgerton

When starting watching the series my better half & I were somewhat disappointed because we had expected one more delivery of a Jane-Austen-Brontë-Sisters inspired series, for your heart & soul, for relaxing & dreaming …

Instead – well: in the beginning a well-to-do, British upper class society springs to life & displays all the comforts of wealth about 200 years ago. Suddenly you notice that something seems not right … here & there …

There are too many people originating from Africa, the Caribbean, Far East … not in the role of servants of any kind, but as dukes, earls … Even the queen joins the club! (The king is far from real life around him.)

Quite obviously there isn’t any homogeneous fashion: some women wear tulle dresses like flowing in from the latest movie Pride and Prejudice, others seems to have remained in the era of crinoline dresses and awkwardly shaped wigs. At the same time women flaunt in dresses I’d assumed to be fashionable only about 100 years ago. Anyway all women are always bejeweled to the nines!

What are they occupied with? Main and most important it seems to marry young daughters well-off – next to order gowns for the next ball. So you may imagine that ladies with daughters have got their hands full.

There is this slightly malicious Lady Whistledown publishing her newsletter with all these delicate, salacious, smug details about distinguished members of the society. Everybody wants to read the newest update always worrying about the very own life and adventures that might become of interest for the unknown author. (Lady Whistledown is exposed at the end of the season.)

My better half & I were amused; suddenly we noticed more: a modern blind in the background, lights as if fuelled by electricity, interesting chandeliers … women’s clubs … Finally we scrutinized each new episode for any misfits!

What is Bridgerton?
It’s definitely no historically correct affair – maybe it’s something like a fantasy series presenting an age which seems familiar – like the medieval setting in GoT. However, it isn’t a true presentation if you look at the details. Anyway we are curious what will happen in the next season & if there are more discrepancies.

Following the Bridgerton binge watching we decided to make some deep dive into the classic stuff like Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma & Becoming Jane. (Not that any of us would like to live during this age …)

Now finally coming back to my cake!

Where to begin with?

The crucial ingredients are:

  • zest of oranges
  • zest of a lemon
  • fresh ginger
  • candied peel.

I had in my kitchen candied orange peel & candied lemon peel. (I think it doesn’t matter … you may also rely only on the orange or on the lemon version!) the candied peel is ready for use, comes already cut into nice little pieces.

The oranges & the lemon are organic. For the cake I only need the zest. (The juice of the lemon will later be used for the icing.)

Fresh ginger will be peeled & grated. We’ll need about a tablespoon of grated ginger.

For the cake:

  • eggs
  • brown sugar (… simple brown sugar – no special edition!)
  • all-purpose flour & baking powder
  • mascarpone.

Mascarpone will replace any butter or oil as well as milk or cream. It’s not the 1st time I use mascarpone in a cake, however, this time there isn’t anything else. I was really surprise how nice it worked.

So we start w/ preparing the orange zest as well as the lemon zest and the grated ginger. All other ingredients are fine so far.

Of course we need to preheat the oven at 160° C w/ fan.

Furthermore we need a loaf tin & baking parchment. Line the loaf tin w/ baking parchment to be able to lift the cake out of the tin easily after the oven session.

With a handheld electric mixer we mix the eggs, the sugar & the mascarpone. We add the flour & the flavourful ingredients & mix …

Finally we add the candied peel & incorporate all pieces w/ a spoon.

We pour the mess into the well-prepared loaf tin, put it on the well-preheated oven for about 50 min.

Make the test w/ a wooden pin: maybe you need another 5-10 min.

Let the cake in the loaf tin for about 10 min; afterwards lift it out of the tin. As soon as the cake is at room temperature peel off the baking parchment.

The cake is now ready for the icing session.

We need:

  • lemon juice
  • icing sugar.

Just squeeze the lemon that was used for producing the zest. Add icing sugar, spoon by spoon. Eventually the icing will be as thick as you like it.

Then spoon the icing all over the cake & let it set.

The cake is fine on your kitchen counter for at least 2 days – longer in your fridge although the cake grows a little firmer in the fridge (as always).

The cake is fluffy & moist. The flavors of oranges & lemons are everywhere – you get it w/ each single bite. The candied peel is soft; the ginger adds a sharp edge to the cake. If during the afternoon, after the dinner w/ espressos … anytime …

My better half & I were thrilled.


candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
Servings: 12 slices
for the cake:
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g brown sugar
  • 200 g mascarpone
  • 2 organic oranges (zest only)
  • 1 organic lemon (zest only)
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger
  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 75 g candied peel (orange & lemon)
for the icing:
  • 200 g icing sugar
  • juice of a lemon
  • handheld electric mixer
  • loaf tin (25 cm)
  • baking parchment
how to:
for the cake:
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.
  • Grate the zest of the oranges & the lemon.
  • Grate the fresh ginger.
  • Line the loaf tin w/ baking parchment (to be able to lift the cake after its baking session in the oven).
  • Mix the eggs, the sugar, the mascarpone & a pinch of salt w/ your handheld electric mixer until fluffy. Add the flour & the baking powder & mix until all is well incorporated.
  • Add the grated zest of the oranges & the lemon as well as the grated ginger.
  • Add the candied peel & incorporate w/ a spoon.
  • Pour the mess into the prepared loaf tin & put it in the preheated oven for about 50 min at 160° C w/ fan.
  • Make the famous test w/ a wooden pin … Add another 5-10 min in the oven if necessary.
  • Let the cake cool down in the loaf tin for about 10 min; then lift the cake out of the loaf tin. As soon as the cake is at room temperature peel off the baking parchment.
for the icing:
  • Squeeze the lemon. Mix the lemon juice w/ icing sugar. Start w/ about half of the icing sugar & add more spoon by spoon. Stop when you think the icing is as thick as you like it.
  • Spoon the icing all over the cake 6 let it come to a rest.
Candied peel: I had some leftovers from candied orange peel & candied lemon peel. You may also rely only on candied orange peel or candied lemon peel. My leftovers were about 75 g – you may also work w/ up to 100 – 125 g.
Icing: It depends on the amount of lemon juice how much icing sugar you’ll need. Take the amount of 200 g as a guideline.
The cake is fine on your kitchen counter – covered – for at least 2 days. Then you may store the cake in your fridge for up to at least 4 days. In the fridge the cake will get more dense, but nevertheless stays delicious.
Sorry: no experience w/ freezing.

(information on equipment)