sweet delights

another apple cake

This is just another apple cake, but it’s a very soft & fluffy & crumbly & juicy apple cake prepared in a loaf tin. The top is crispy when leaving the oven & will stay so for at least 24 h. Afterwards … it gets soft. No worries – the cake is still delicious. What do we need? There are the usual suspects like: In addition there is mascarpone … creamy silky mascarpone. (You may…

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sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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sweet delights

limoncello ladyfingers … after a 24h chill!

It’s summer & it’s hot: it’s the season for preparing another alternative to the classic cocoa powdered tiramisu – a fresh one, a light one, one w/ overpowering lemon flavour! It’s summer & it’s hot: it should be a fast & easy preparation the results marching straight to the fridge for chilling. … & because of the high temperature I skipped cracking raw eggs for using the raw egg yolks for the mascarpone cream: I…

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sweet delights

espresso ice cream – sweet & creamy!

Do you know affogato al caffé? It’s an Italian dessert: you put a small scoop of vanilla ice cream in a bowl & add freshly brewed hot espresso … Just enjoy – the mingling of espresso & vanilla ice cream is just great. So when thinking of the combination of summer/sun/heat & espresso/vanilla ice cream I decided to make home-made ice cream … An espresso ice cream … I started dreaming of espresso flavor combined…

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sweet delights

rhubarb – cream – sponge

We are now full in the rhubarb season … & I like to give you a recipe for an easy rhubarb dessert. (I admit that I posted this recipe years ago, but it hasn’t lost any of its deliciousness!) For this dessert rhubarb is transformed into rhubarb compote, which I often prepare in order to have 2-3 tablespoons together w/ banana & yoghurt for breakfast. Around the Easter weekend there is always a mix of…

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sweet delights

rhubarb … & more!

Long time, no see – or better: long time, no post. What happened?As you may have noticed about mid of March my better half & I, we made a weekend trip to Maastricht (fine weather, sunshine, having coffee outdoors … a perfect spring weekend!). Beginning of April we made a weekend trip to Strasbourg; unfortunately it was very cold w/ rain and some fine snow. Yes – we had managed to pick just this weekend…

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sweet delights

sponge – jam – cream layer – fruit

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. It’s summer. This year there is a real summer – seems so at least (until now). The sun is blazing, there is rain every now and then meaning that in the garden and anywhere else all is green and thriving. Sometimes it’s hot and humid – my better half & I are not so fond of it. Anyway … what to cook & bake? I suddenly remembered my sponge…

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sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. It all started with … watching Brigderton starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021. My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series. During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021…

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sweet delights

a simple vanilla loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Why is it so difficult to bake a simple loaf cake? This is an earnest question because during the last months when trying to get a simple – or rather „a rather simple“ – loaf cake it ended in some more or less small disaster. So I decided to start a test series. However, for the moment admire my perfect result for a vanilla loaf: I didn’t fiddle…

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sweet delights

makeshift wannabe tiramisu

  We are on the Italian road again… you know: Omnes viae Romam ducunt! (So now you know that I learnt some Latin at school… in the spirit of my food blog it’s simply: go to Rome resp. Italy & you’ll learn about the best desserts ever!) Tiramisu: Imagine a (big!) rectangular casserole filled w/ ladyfingers soaked w/ espresso & fine liquor, covered w/ mascarpone cream finished by a thick layer of cocoa. You may indulge…

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