savoury delights

shakshuka – for breakfast & dinner

We are in Southern France, living for 4 months in a small house in Carcassonne. As I told you already: the kitchen is small & the kitchen equipment is limited. So cooking is somewhat of a challenge … However, what fits is Shakshuka. … & you may prepare it for breakfast as well as for dinner! (We almost never have lunch here, but of course it’s also a delicious simple lunch!) Some years ago I…

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savoury delights

from avocado to guacamole

Avocados are very popular w/ us. I think we are no exception. Especially since we are in Southern France we like to create some avocado mess & indulge w/ fresh baguette for our dinner. Afterwards we may have some cheese … for the finish. As I already told you there is only a tiny kitchen in our home so preparing excessive meals for lunch or dinner, requiring cooking & frying & preparing a sauce &…

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just pasta savoury delights

once again – tomato sauce

What happened some time ago? My food blog came into life in 2015 – long ago. About 2 years ago or so I realized that there were (too!) many posts w/ lots of photos requiring more & more storage making e. g. updates of the data base somewhat tricky. So I decided to do an internal review resulting in deleting quite a lot of posts & trimming down my blog. (To be honest: when starting…

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savoury delights with rice

chicken korma my way

It’s hot outside. Ongoing.Fortunately the nights are somewhat cooler now than before. In the morning I really enjoy starting into the day w/ Qigong in fresh air. Therefore cooking & baking isn’t so popular w/ me right now. Nevertheless sometimes … I decided to do some Asian cooking meaning it’ll be a quick affair. (… & I could make 4 servings so that my better half & I would get twice lunch or dinner.) Also…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta & parmesan & pine nuts

It’s a simple & easy pasta dish.(To add some flavorful edge also quite a lot of lemon juice & lemon zest found its way into the pasta bowl.) Do we need a recipe? Is it worth a post?Yes, because there are these great soft roasted pine nuts all over the pasta – freshly roasted just minutes before added. There is also freshly grated Parmesan, fluffy & creamy at the same time, delivering a sharp edge…

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savoury delights

stocking up on tomato sauce

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. This photo w/ fresh pasta & my home-made tomato sauce is real & up-to-date w/ this post. It is one of the most trivial photos in the food blogging universe (I think). It is simple: apart from cooking pasta – I always use classic Italian pasta made only from flour (durum wheat) & water – you only need a good tomato sauce & all is fine. A photo presenting…

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just pasta savoury delights

pasta salmon spinach

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Another week came to an end, another weekend approached. Corona times suck. 1st of all: if something sucks you’ll definitely need pasta. Corona times also mean that food shopping is reduced to a big shopping spree in my trusted food store once a week – or nearly always once a week. Reason behind is to minimize contacts. This means also to do the shopping early in the morning or…

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savoury delights

baked greek meat balls

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I found a recipe for baked Greek meat balls on the food blog The Mediterranean Dish, however, I thought: Isn’t it more Greek if there is also some feta involved? So I started my own version w/ additional feta sealed up in the meat balls.     When starting you’ll need some onion, some garlic & a bay leaf to be fried in some olive oil until soft. (It’s…

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savoury delights with rice

pure chinese beef

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   It’s quite a long time since I did some Chinese wok dish on my blog – nevertheless I do it rather often at home (well: not always using my big wok, but rather a deep pan…). I like to read about dishes from the Far East on The Woks of Life as well as on Omnivore’s Cookbook. The recipes are based on the fact that in the Western hemisphere lots of…

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savoury delights soups

mashed potatoes w/ cream aka potato soup

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Once again: Happy New Year to all of you! Instead of talking about my plans & resolutions for the New Year (NOW!) or doing a résumé of the last year or announcing a decluttering challenge I simply like to present a recipe for really comforting soup you’ll like for this season of the year. (The rest may follow soon… as well as a post about our pre-Xmas stay…

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savoury delights

approaching the drunken chicken

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Winter is approaching – the days are becoming shorter i. e. daylight is really low some days. When cooking this approach to coq au vin we had one of these days… In the evening when my drunken chicken was finally ready I had to use additional artificial light for the photos – sorry: I always prefer natural light, but now when the sun decides to vanish sometime between…

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savoury delights

vhm loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   To disclose the vhm shortcut: v is vegetables, h is herbs & m is meat. We are preparing a classic meat loaf w/ lots of vegetables & lots of fresh Mediterranean herbs: a meat loaf you may enjoy hot, warm or cold as well.     I got my inspiration from this cookbook* out of the foodblogger’s universe which combines traditional German cooking w/ Mediterranean flavors…    …

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savoury delights with rice

fried rice w/ everything

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Primarily fried rice is recycling leftovers into a light & hearty & fast & easy dish for weeknight dinners. Of course you can start fried rice from the scratch adding selected this & that items trying to get a mix of meat & fish/seafood & vegetables w/ matching spices… I learnt a lot about approaching fried rice from the woks of life. Here you’ll find recipes for fried…

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