sweet delights

another apple cake

This is just another apple cake, but it’s a very soft & fluffy & crumbly & juicy apple cake prepared in a loaf tin. The top is crispy when leaving the oven & will stay so for at least 24 h. Afterwards … it gets soft. No worries – the cake is still delicious. What do we need? There are the usual suspects like: In addition there is mascarpone … creamy silky mascarpone. (You may…

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sweet delights

another carrot cake

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising. Naked cakes are in. Why? Quite easy: you only need to create some layers of cake & a delicious filling. Just distribute the filling over the cake layer, take the next cake layer & repeat. You don’t need to care for a final icing all around the cake or even elaborate decorations by using a piping bag – which is mostly the crucial point (at least in my view!).…

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sweet delights

candied peel, a cake & bejeweled ladies

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. It all started with … watching Brigderton starting my annual kitchen-decluttering process for 2021. My better half & I didn’t watch Bridgerton during Xmas just after the launch, but only beginning of January. So I hope, although the Bridgerton hype seems to have flattened, that there are enough people out there who like to read some thoughts about the series. During my 1st steps towards my kitchen-decluttering for 2021…

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savoury delights sweet delights

bread? sweet bread? cake?

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I told you about Mastering Spice, a new book in my library. So I made the next try to recreate something out of the book. I stumbled over a recipe for an olive oil based loaf cake. The book is so organized that there is a main recipe & following there are some variations. I found the recipe for the olive oil cake loaf & a variation w/ additional…

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sweet delights

a fresh fruit loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   A cake loaf w/ fresh fruit… This isn’t my 1st try. To be honest: my overall experience is that a cake w/ fresh fruit likes to collapse due to too much fresh fruit – or to be flavorless & dry due to the lack of enough fresh fruit. Therefore I’m always skeptical when folding in fresh fruit into batter. (More than once recipes in books/blogs proved incorrect!). However,…

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sweet delights

an orange & ricotta loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m still in my loaf cake mania… & I made progress in my test series… What’s new? I made a ricotta loaf w/ orange flavour.     …& I topped it off w/ chocolate icing!   For the record: At first I tried to do a ganache, but it didn’t work out as I anticipated. You may know by now when having followed my blog that „me &…

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savoury delights

a quiche loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Here is another example for using my loaf baking tin… This time I remembered quiche & made a quiche loaf. The basic idea comes from one of my cookbooks (Sophies Cakes by Sophie Dudemaine). What to do w/ a savory cake? It’s best to combine it w/ a fresh green salad, a simple green salad… It’s a perfect dinner treat especially when you have been busy all day…

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sweet delights

a simple vanilla loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Why is it so difficult to bake a simple loaf cake? This is an earnest question because during the last months when trying to get a simple – or rather „a rather simple“ – loaf cake it ended in some more or less small disaster. So I decided to start a test series. However, for the moment admire my perfect result for a vanilla loaf: I didn’t fiddle…

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sweet delights

blueberries, blueberries… in a lemon cake!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m obsessed w/ loaf cakes – always looking for new ideas & the best recipes. I like a slice of loaf cake next to my espresso cup in the afternoon or as dessert after lunch or dinner or accompanying my espresso nightcap… I think you get it. Best is a loaf cake with some sort of icing keeping your cake moist – that’s the reason behind, however… it’s…

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