sweet delights

another apple cake

This is just another apple cake, but it’s a very soft & fluffy & crumbly & juicy apple cake prepared in a loaf tin. The top is crispy when leaving the oven & will stay so for at least 24 h. Afterwards … it gets soft. No worries – the cake is still delicious. What do we need? There are the usual suspects like: In addition there is mascarpone … creamy silky mascarpone. (You may…

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sweet delights

mousse au chocolat – the pure approach

During the last weeks I started – again – with creating Mousse au Chocolat. I think it’s one of the best desserts during cold autumn and even colder winter. There are lots of versions out there in cookbooks, on food blogs … especially concerning flavoring the chocolate mess. My approach is a pure one – almost a pure one – concentrating on chocolate, overwhelming chocolate. So my main ingredients are: It doesn’t take much time…

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savoury delights with rice

fried rice w/ everything

Primarily fried rice is recycling leftovers into a light & hearty & fast & easy dish for weeknight dinners. Of course you can start fried rice from the scratch adding selected this & that items trying to get a mix of meat & fish/seafood & vegetables w/ matching spices … In a nutshell: there are many ways to do your “fried rice w/…“ – if starting from the scratch or relying on the leftovers in…

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sweet delights

autumn apple cake – french approach

We are back in Germany – a cold Germany compared to our weeks in Southern France. After having settled down again in our home I thought about what to cook and to bake – and I decided to do an apple cake. Also because there are beautiful fresh and juicy apples around now – crispy and sour which is fine for an apple cake. (Of course three of these Boskoop beauties were too much for…

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sweet delights

what to do w/ homemade apricot jam?

I made lots of apricot jam during summer. Of course it’s absolutely delicious to have some homemade apricot jam on your fresh roll or croissant or crispy toast or soft French bread or … nevertheless what else can you do w/ the jam? So I started surfing … I thought about something like a cake or a tart or … whatever. It’s end of summer now, but there are still wonderful fresh apricots around us…

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sweet delights

clafoutis with plums

End of August I stumbled across plums in my trusted food store – the first plums of the season. At once I got some ideas about plum cake, plum sheet cake, plum cake w/ crumble … Finally I decided to create a clafoutis w/ plums. To be honest I’m not a fan of any plums like plums uncooked … plums always tend to be rather sourish. However, if cooked or baked plums are great w/…

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sweet delights

unsophisticated baked cheese cake

Some time ago a cheesecake appeared on the food blog Life is full of Goodies. I noticed the mouth-watering cake at 1st in Instagram … & of course I followed the recipe on the blog. I admit: the cheesecake looked so delicious and irresistible – I had to try it! It looked so sleek & perfect, so simple & absolutely fabulous at the same time. There was no fussing around w/ elaborate decorations or icing or…

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sweet delights

a cake disaster … turning into a delicious butter-sugar-almond affair

I stumbled across the idea for this recipe in Mimi Thorissons’s cookbook A Kitchen in France. It sounded nice & delicious & I thought it would be fine w/ my espressos (you know that I’m addicted to espresso!). So for my next shopping I made a mental note to buy an organic lemon as well as dry yeast … & some almond flakes. The rest would be waiting in my fridge resp. pantry. Originally the…

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sweet delights

ricotta cake with mashed berries

This cake is so simple and easy. You can use it again and again. It’ll go fine always … & anytime of the year. Depending on the seasons you can add some fresh fruit or some mixed-berry-sauce or some chocolate sauce or whatever to create your own special cake event. One approach is flavoring the cake with lemon or orange flavour & adding fresh fruit e. g. fresh berries. Okay – you won’t have fresh…

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just pasta savoury delights

simply fried noodles

There are lots of temptations when roaming my trusted food store: fried noodles ready for serving are everywhere – if deep frozen w/ vegetables & meat or shrimps (ready for the microwave), if in the fresh section (also ready for the microwave or the frying pan), if dried (ready for adding water and marching in a pan or pot … the instant way of noodles). Also you may get freshly prepared fried noodles from one…

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sweet delights

little cakes – type bundt

Once I happened to get a present: a small Bundt cake pan (∅ 18 cm). So I started baking little cakes. Little cakes are fine for 2 – 4 people for coffee, for dessert … I’m not talking about a real big Bundt cake that may lead up to 16 big slices! After having managed to define the proper amounts of the usual suspects (like butter, flour, sugar, eggs …) in order to achieve a…

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sweet delights

carrot cake w/ cream cheese frosting

I remember my very 1st true carrot cake: it was during a USA holiday trip many years ago somewhere in Northern California in a small diner – rather late in the evening – when it turned out that only carrot cake was left for dessert. It wasn’t a simple cake it was a 3-layer structure w/ lots of frosting & minced walnuts … it was just delicious! To set the record straight from the beginning:This…

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sweet delights

rhubarb tart: soft & creamy!

We’ll create a tart – soft, but slightly sour rhubarb surrounded by a lemony cheesecake filling on top of a juicy crumbling crust: dig in … & once in your mouth all will melt into a soft sweet & sour mess … Rhubarb season started some weeks ago. When working on my blog I stumbled across this recipe for a rhubarb tart – now updated, however, as delicious as some years ago. In a nutshell:…

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