sweet delights

autumn apple cake – french approach

We are back in Germany – a cold Germany compared to our weeks in Southern France. After having settled down again in our home I thought about what to cook and to bake – and I decided to do an apple cake. Also because there are beautiful fresh and juicy apples around now – crispy and sour which is fine for an apple cake. (Of course three of these Boskoop beauties were too much for…

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sweet delights

limoncello muffins

As always during the last weeks I’m in a hurry because of the endless preparations for our planned move. Nevertheless I need to empty my pantry … so baking some sweet delight is always on my agenda. When checking my pantry I found a bottle of limoncello – this very nice Italian lemon liqueur. The bottle was almost empty, but … soon I had the idea of some muffins w/ limoncello. A quick affair. No…

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sweet delights

vanilla muffins w/ orange flavour

Summer is in its way … autumn will come. The sweetness of summer fruit may be preserved & create desserts for some months. It may be combined w/ fluffy muffins, plain vanilla muffins w/ intense orange flavour. That’s just what I tried to create. There is some red fruit compote – in Germany it’s called Rote Grütze. Some compote will end up on a bowl & a muffins will dive into this red deliciousness. Let’s…

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sweet delights

italian breakfast lemon cake

I’m obsessed w/ lemon cake. (I’m sure you noticed my passion before …)Each time when I come across a recipe for some lemon cake I think about recreating it in my kitchen. So this time I read about a version w/ olive oil & ricotta. The result is fabulous: a soft & fluffy cake, lots of lemon flavor & a freshness from the moist consistence. I stored the cake on my kitchen counter, covered –…

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sweet delights

oranges in cake

I told you that I got a new toy. For my 1st baking adventure I stuck to the rules, however, now it’s time to adjust. At least a little! So: What are oranges in cake? For the orange I worked with: (Of course you may substitute orange juice for orange liqueur, although he flavor will change a little.) … & what is the ultimate partner of orange flavor? It’s dark chocolate. The result was simply…

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sweet delights

apple cake & a new toy

Since Xmas I have a new toy: a new baking tin. It’s a classic one concerning the size, however, there is no non-stick coating. So I studied the instruction & decided to work exactly as recommended – meaning to use butter generously for the baking tin & finish w/ flour. (To prevent becoming this last step a mess I worked over my sink when adding the flour, shaking the baking tin & turning it upside…

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savoury delights

a quiche loaf

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   Here is another example for using my loaf baking tin… This time I remembered quiche & made a quiche loaf. The basic idea comes from one of my cookbooks (Sophies Cakes by Sophie Dudemaine). What to do w/ a savory cake? It’s best to combine it w/ a fresh green salad, a simple green salad… It’s a perfect dinner treat especially when you have been busy all day…

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sweet delights

blueberries, blueberries… in a lemon cake!

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   I’m obsessed w/ loaf cakes – always looking for new ideas & the best recipes. I like a slice of loaf cake next to my espresso cup in the afternoon or as dessert after lunch or dinner or accompanying my espresso nightcap… I think you get it. Best is a loaf cake with some sort of icing keeping your cake moist – that’s the reason behind, however… it’s…

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