savoury delights soups

sweet potatoes & sweet carrots

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This is a spontaneous soup. I mean I had the idea in the morning before shopping – so I was spontaneous. Most of the ingredients were already in my pantry resp. fridge. All I had to buy were the sweet potatoes.

So I set up my private cooking show after shopping & prepared the soup & took photos & made notes – then we had lunch. (You’ll see soon that there wasn’t any need for many photos & exhaustive notes.)


For the record:
Since some weeks we are thrilled by deep blue skies & a blazing sun, however, in the morning it’s rather fresh & cold. So a soup is a fine lunch if your come back home after shopping, after a session in your garden or whatever.
(Just in case you are wondering why I write a post about a hot soup at brilliant weather in spring.)



What do we need?

  • sweet potatoes
  • carrots
  • spring onions
  • bacon.

I’ve always carrots, spring onions & bacon stocked in my fridge. Therefore only hunting sweet potatoes in my trusted food store was on my shopping list (besides a lot of other whatever).

At 1st I thought about the combination of sweet potatoes, carrots & ginger in order to combine sweetness & spiciness. However, I chose bacon & its hearty flavor to add something savory & substantial. (A pure mix of vegetables is fine, but only a light soup … e. g. if you are ill or so!) This time I wanted a proper bowl of soup for each of us (my better half & I) for our lunch.

How to start?

I chopped the spring onions & the bacon & fried all the mess carefully in some olive oil. Nothing should get burnt.


For the record:
I had about 100 g bacon in my fridge & I spent it all on the soup. In general I think that you’ll need at least 50 g bacon.



After about 10 min I turned off the heat & let it just simmer. The spring onions are soft now & all will get somewhat crispy.



Trim the carrots & the sweet potatoes, peel them & cut everything in small cubes or: let’s say something cube-like.

For about 10 min all will cook in salted boiling water – then drain the water & add chicken stock. Bring it to a boil … again.


For the record:
Instead of chicken stock you may also use duck stock or meat stock or vegetable stock or whatever you like & find in your pantry.



Now it’s time to grab your handheld immersion blender & just blend until all is combined. (Sometimes some carrot pieces survive – it doesn’t matter!) The outcome should be a soft, creamy mess.

Add ground 1/2 tsp of ground cumin & as much salt & pepper as you like.



So – we are ready now. Prepare the table & call for company. Fill the soup in bowls.



Add generously the still warm crispy bacon-onion-mess …



… & add some splashes of pumpkin seed oil. (This is optional – pumpkin seed oil is fine w/ sweet potatoes & enhances the experience …)





sweet potatoes & sweet carrots
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Servings: 2 (.. up to 4)
  • 3 sweet potatoes (about 500 g)
  • 5 carrots (about 300 g)
  • 400 ml chicken stock
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 100 g South Tyrolean bacon
  • 4 spring onions
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • some pumpkin seed oil
  • handheld immersion blender
how to:
  • Chop the spring onions & the bacon. Fry the mess slowly at low temperature in some olive oil until soft & crispy (about 10 min). Don't let it burn. Turn off the heat & let the mess rest in the pan.
  • Trim, peel & chop the carrots & the sweet potatoes; cook the mess in salted water for about 10 min. Then drain the mess.
  • Add chicken stock & bring to a boil again. Take aside & blend w/ your handheld immersion blender until smooth.
  • Add cumin as well as salt & pepper (to taste).
  • Fill the soup in 2 bowls, add half of the bacon mess to each bowl & add some pumpkin seed oil for the finishing.
  • Serve at once.
Servings: It's a perfect lunch or dinner for 2; you may also have 4 small servings when it's a starter for dinner.
Bacon: You may also work with 50 g.
Pumpkin seed oil: You may also do w/o pumpkin seed oil.


(information on equipment)