
back to work & january stock

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – adverstising. Hello … I’m back from an almost 5-weeks-break resp. time-out resp. downtime or whatever-you-may-call-it. Mid of December I decided spontaneously to have a long break over the years to relax, to think about my blogging, to plan the next year … & of course manage Xmas stress. (It didn’t matter that we are living in Corona times – Xmas & family challenges didn’t slow down. Only New Year’s Eve…

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savoury delights soups

sweet potatoes & sweet carrots

Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung – advertising.   This is a spontaneous soup. I mean I had the idea in the morning before shopping – so I was spontaneous. Most of the ingredients were already in my pantry resp. fridge. All I had to buy were the sweet potatoes. So I set up my private cooking show after shopping & prepared the soup & took photos & made notes – then we had lunch. (You’ll see…

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