sweet delights

sweet little temptations

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We are at home. Wir bleiben zu Hause.

Obviously lots of people start baking at home now because flour bags seem to have vanished into thin air when crossing the flour-sugar section in my trusted food store. (No – I didn’t restart my „Bake your own bread“-Phase … although when roaming the food blog universe I get the impression that it’s one of the hottest subjects at the moment – especially posts like „How to start a sourdough starter”.)

W/o further ado I decided to create some cookies for my better half & me when taking a break in the afternoon & having a coffee or espresso. (You need only a rather small amount of flour which I managed to retrieve from my pantry.)

… & I imagined some cookies w/ chocolate on top.



Is there anything positive outside?
I’m really happy about the orderly queues at the bakery, at the butcher, at any counter for cheese or meat or fish & seafood … at my trusted food store. There is a minimum distance of 2 m & nobody pushes. No crowds. I admit I really like it … & I hope it’ll last – at least the spirit of it.

Furthermore working in a home office is – in my opinion – the right step. Although the state of play – unfortunately – promoted the whole home office movement, it shows – also in my opinion – that many people can work from home w/o having to drive to their company’s location each morning & back each evening which stresses the environment (if going by car, if going by public transport), which isn’t time-efficient for anybody … Why it seems so difficult for many a boss to cope w/o lots of employees physically present who also might work from home?


Inside confined to our homes we deserve some treats like these shortbread cookies I enriched w/ rosemary & orange zest – not to mention the dark chocolate on top.

So: what do we need?



It’s the basic shortbread approach:

  • flour
  • butter
  • icing sugar
  • salt.

… & for the flavour:

  • rosemary (ground & chopped)
  • garten zest of an organic orange.

We start w/ combining all ingredients in a bowl & kneading w/ our hands until all is well mixed.

We form 2 rolls (round or rectangular) & wrap them in cling foil. The final forming is easier w/ the clingfoil in place. The rolls march into the fridge into the fresh department for at least 30 min.

Afterwards we preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.

Then we cut the cold, hard rolls into slices of about 3-4 mm.



We line a baking tray w/ baking parchment. (You’ll need 2 of them!)

The cookies will be arranged as 5 × 3.



After about 12-14 min in the oven – pls check continuously! – the shortbread cookies are ready.



You may eat them like they are. They are delicious!

Or you invest a little more time & energy as soon as the cookies are at room temperature:

  • Melt some dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
  • Dip each cookie into the chocolate & let it rest on a plate.
    (You’ll need 2 large plates!)
  • Put it in the fridge for an hour or so – until the chocolate is no longer soft.





sweet little temptations
Prep Time45 minutes
Cook Time12 minutes
Servings: 30 cookies
  • 150 g all-purpose flour
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 125 g butter
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp ground rosemary
  • ½ tsp chopped dried rosemary
  • fienly grated zest of an organic orange
  • 75 g dark chocolate
how to:
  • Grate the zest of the organic orange. Finely!
  • Combine flour, icing sugar, butter (in cubes), salt, all of the rosemary & the orange zest in a bowl & knead w/ your hands until there is a fine dough.
  • Divide the dough into 2 parts & wrap w/ clingfoil. Shape into cylindrical or square form w/ your hands (diameter about 3 - 4 cm).
  • Store the dough in your fridge for about 30 min in the fresh department (about 0° C).
  • Line 2 baking trays w/ baking parchment.
  • Preheat the oven to 160° C w/ fan.
  • Cut the cold dough into slices of about 4 - 5 mm thickness. You'll get about 30 slices overall.
  • Place the cookies on the baking tray (5 x 3).
  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 12-14 min; afterwards let the cookeis cool down to room temperature.
  • Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
  • Dip each cookies in the chocolate & place on a large plate. You'll need 2 plates.
  • Put the plates w/ the cookies in the fridge for about 30-60 min - until the chocolate is no longer soft.
  • Store in a cookie jar w/ lid.
Prep Time: including the fridge session.


(information on equipment)